Loyal car/motorcycle/tractor show will still happen this year

In a season when almost every public event has been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, one will still go on -- the Sept. 13 Loyal Car, Motorcycle & Tractor Show. Organizers will take precautions to keep everyone who comes safe, but decided that the outdoor setting of the event and the ability to keep spectators and vehicle owners spread out will allow the show to occur.
The show will be held from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., in the municipal parking lot near The Loyal American Legion. Now in its 15th year, the show has been growing steadily and attracted 159 entries in 2019.
“Every year, units increase by about 20,” said show board member Peggy Brandt.
It could be even larger this year -weather permitting, of course -- since most other shows in the area have been cancelled this summer. However many cars, trucks, motorcycles and tractors show up that day, there will be guidelines in place to protect everyone. Organizers will attempt to keep everyone socially distanced, will encourage mask wearing, and will have hand sanitizing stations set up.
“Because our event is outside and there’s social distancing, we felt it would be safe for us to do it,” Brandt said. “We had some board members who said, ‘Don’t do it,’ but we’re trying to do everything within the guidelines and trying to do everything safe.”
One difference this year is that show organizers will not be going to individual businesses to seek donations. Some usual donors have come forward and offered money, and it will be accepted, Brandt said, but show organizers decided not to ask for help this summer. “We know that the businesses in town are suffering from that (COVID-19), so we don’t want to put another burden on them,” she said. In fact, Brandt said, one reason organizers decided to go ahead with a 2020 show is to support the local economy. The American Legion bar may be open so it can gain some business from the show that day, and Brandt said she knows other places in town benefit financially from the additional traffic.
“We want to help support the businesses in town. We know that they’re suffering now,” she said.
With the donations from the businesses that have offered and with money raised from three brat fries this summer and the show entry fees, there will be the usual trophies awarded in various classes. There will also be a few new trophies this year, including one for the best facemask worn by an entrant or spectator, and one to a vehicle selected by the committee organizing Loyal’s 150th anniversary events this year.
This year’s featured vehicle will be the Corvair. All Corvairs entered will be parked up front, and a special trophy will go to the one judged as the best.
There will also be bucket raffles, a 50-50 drawing and a meat drawing. This year’s main raffle will award a Matthews bow as top prize, a Yeti cooler as second prize, a 55-inch Vizio TV for third, and a quilt/pillow package for fourth. Cash prizes will include $100 for fifth-sixth,$50 for seventh-eighth, and $25 for ninth-10th.
Money raised will once again be spread out to various community groups. The Loyal show has built a tradition of giving thousands of dollars away each year. In 2019, a total of $9,500 was handed out to 16 community causes.
Efforts are made each year, Brandt said, to find and help as many organizations as possible.
“We want to reach as many people as we can in the community,” she said.