Granton Area Schools ROAD MAP TO REOPENING
The following information is a summary of the Granton Area Schools Reopening plan that was formed through a collaborative back to school committee. This is a general overview of how the school plans to open for the 2020-2021 school year. Please be advised that the Granton School District will make every effort to reduce the risk of exposure to illness but cannot eliminate all risk associated with convening students and staff. If there are questions or concerns, please contact the District Office at 715-238-7292.
The Granton School District will employ a phased system to identify the current level of school operations for the 2020-21 school year. There are four categories of operations which are separated into four colors; green, yellow, orange and red. Each is described below and outlines how school operations will look in each phase. Movement from one phase to the next is not necessarily linear and may move from Green to Red (or vice versa) as it did in the spring of 2020. It is also possible that a specific grade level may be operating at a different level than the rest of the school. An example would be having the 5th grade class in the red operational category while the rest of the school was still yellow.
GREEN: Normal school operations as they were prior to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Students and teachers report to school and participate in a regular educational environment without precautions or adjusted environments. Faceto- face (F2F), in person learning is employed and students are required to attend school in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes.
YELLOW: Students and teachers still report to the school building for their education. Precautionary practices are employed which include but are not limited to the following: Employ personal protective equipment (PPE) during entry to school and passing times, limited schedule, social distancing, limited traffic flow, limitations on parents/visitors/guests within the building, temperature scans, school busing adjustments, etc. During this operational category, teachers will develop and employ a multifaceted learning platform to include “off campus” or digital learning opportunities for students who may choose an off campus learning environment. The goal is to have off campus students participate in a regular schedule and join the regular classroom via live streaming or downloading lessons.
ORANGE: School operations will be adjusted to accommodate a reduced number of students on a daily basis. The most practical model suggests 50 percent of students attend school physically on Monday and Tuesday. All students participate in a virtual day on Wednesday to allow for the school to increase cleaning measures. The alternate 50% of students then attend on Thursday and Friday with another school cleaning on the weekend. During this phase, teachers will develop on and off campus learning opportunities for students. Classes may be reduced to core subjects with support for digital learners coming from noncore teachers.
RED: Students will stay home and participate in a completely off campus learning environment. 100 percent digital learning takes place with use of technology. Teachers will report to the school building and social distance in their rooms. As “normal” of schedule as possible will continue with students attending online classes at specified times throughout the day. Teachers will continue to stream and record lessons for students and communicate with families on a daily basis. GENERAL SCHOOL PROTOCOL OUTLINE:
taken as a precautionary measure.
__ Students will be assigned seats on the bus, in the classroom, during lunch, etc. to promote social distancing throughout the school day.
__ All students will report to school through the field house entrance and have temperatures taken.
__ Any student who has an elevated temperature will report to the office for parent notification and pick up will need to take place within one hour of notification.
__ Students who become ill during the school day will also be picked up within one hour of notification.
__ Parent and visitor access to the school building will be limited.
__ Students living in the village of Granton will be asked to walk to school to allow for social distancing on the bus routes.
__ Masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be encouraged, however, students will wear a mask during the passing time in-between classes.
__ Parents will be personally notified if there is a concern about their student being exposed to a positive COVID-19 case. GENERAL SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS: __ Granton Area Schools plan to return to school this fall in a face-to-face format while understanding that some families will have health concerns.
__ Granton Area Schools will safeguard students and staff by diligent cleaning, social distancing, and safety protocols such as encouraging personal cleanliness and mask wearing where appropriate.
__ Student safety and privacy will always be respected during the school day.
__ Classroom teachers may group students in a cohort model for specified amounts of time.
__ Learning will be planned to be as coherent and consistent as possible.
__ Classrooms will be flexible and accommodating to react to changing conditions.
__ Teachers will develop lessons that are consistent and flexible to adapt to changing conditions.
__ Teachers will develop short, subject specific lessons that can be streamed or recorded for students who are unable to physically attend school.
__ Teachers will use Google Classroom as the teaching platform for in school and off campus learning.
__ Teachers will communicate with families through Classroom Tag which will be deployed at the onset of the school year.
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Classroom Protocol as presented by Jodi Maguire.
__ Support students in their learning endeavor and have patience with changing conditions.
__ Communicate with staff members and students on a regular basis.
__ Adapt to changes that are made as we are entering the school year during unprecedented times.
__ If students are ill at home, parents will keep them home.
__ If students become ill during the school day, parents will pick up child within one hour of notification.
__ Try your best during all phases of learning.
__ Ask questions when you are confused or nervous about situations.
__ Communicate with teachers about struggles and progress on a regular basis.
__ Check email and Google Classroom daily.
__ Complete assignments in a timely manner and submit them to your teacher.
__ Try to be as patient as possible. These are really different times and it is difficult to be a teacher and a student during this pandemic.
Recognize Symptoms: They include fever, cough, sore throat, chills, headache, loss of taste or smell, fast breathing, etc.
__ Safeguard your family if your child shows symptoms of COVID-19.
__ Keep the child home and keep other family members and pets away from sick person.
__ Only have one person care for sick person and have sick person wear PPE.
__ Have sick person use a different bathroom, if possible, and encourage everyone in the home to wash hands frequently.
Granton Area Schools will deep clean on a weekly basis. PPE materials are available and highly recommended. Social distancing will take place whenever possible on the school bus and in the classroom. A cohort model may be employed to limit contact with many students throughout the day. Student and staff masks will be required during the passing times to limit the amount of germs spread during this hallway movement.
RESOURCES: School Health Services Infection Control and Mitigation Toolkit PPE Considerations for Schools WI Dept. of Tourism - Entertainment and pool reopening Clark Cty Health Dept. (CCHD) Sports Risk Level CCHD COVID-19 Flowchart CCHD Before School Parent Letter