Fourmens earns recognition as top Cub Cadet retail outlet

Fourmens Farm Home, a local dealer of Cub Cadet outdoor power equipment located in Medford, Colby and Loyal, recently earned distinction as one of the top 65 Cub Cadet independent retailers in America for 2019. To celebrate this achievement, Fourmens Farm Home received recognition at the Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos Resort in the Baja California Peninsula.
Fourmens Farm Home has sold and serviced Cub Cadet equipment, including lawn and garden tractors, zero turn riding mowers, commercial mowers, utility vehicles, snow blowers and more, for many years.
“With more than 1,600 dealers across the country, we’re proud to recognize our top-performing dealers that go above and beyond to provide the highest-quality service and products to their communities. At Fourmens Farm Home their enthusiasm and dedication to customer service is unmatched.”
Tom and Judith Zettler accepted the recognition on behalf of Fourmens Farm Home. “Like many things in life, our success is a team effort,” said Zettler. “Thanks to the hard work of our whole team and our trusted Cub Cadet products, we’re thankful for a successful year. And we’re looking to make 2020 an even better one for us and our customers.”
Fourmens Farm Home is located at Medford, Colby and Loyal and offers a complete line of high-performance Cub Cadet outdoor power equipment, genuine parts, accessories and attachments, as well as expert service and recommendations.
Fourmens Farm Home was recognized as being among the top Cub Cadet dealers in the country. Pictured are (from left) Roy Keating, vice president of sales and marketing MTD Products; Gary Lobaza, president of MTD Products; Judith and Tom Zettler of Fourmens Farm Home of Colby, Loyal and Medford; and Robert Moll, CEO of MTD Products.