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Babydoll sheep are focus of Loyal FFA member’s SAE project

Babydoll sheep are focus of Loyal FFA member’s SAE project Babydoll sheep are focus of Loyal FFA member’s SAE project

Hi, my name is Brianna Hederer. Last year I started my second Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE), which involves me breeding and caring for Babydoll Southdown sheep.

About a year ago, I purchased my first two Babydoll Sheep. The Babydoll Southdown breed is one of the smallest breeds of sheep and are often used as pets. Since this is my first year owning sheep, I have to make sure I research diets, bloodlines, registries and lambing positions for emergencies.

After I purchased my two Babydolls, I fell completely in love with the breed. I now have seven sheep -- six ewes and one ram -- with more on the way. This March-April my ewes are expected to lamb. This will be my first lambing season.

My SAE involves me breeding and selling the Babydoll breed. For them to be healthy and able to sell, I must buy a quality feed that enables them to receive all the nutrients that they need. When providing them with this feed I must make sure to give them only a certain amount. This ensures that they stay at a healthy weight.

Another part of my job as their owner is making sure that they always have clean water and fresh straw. During lambing season, I will have to keep a close eye on all ewes to make sure that they are healthy and without complications.

My plan for my SAE in the future is to learn more about all the registries and bloodlines to breed. I also plan to double my flock in the next two years. The lambs will be sold when they are 3-4 months old and will be halter-trained before they leave.

I will keep at least two lambs for my younger siblings to show at fair if they are interested in doing so. I want to spark an interest into my younger siblings so that one day, they can continue with this SAE and can enjoy it as much as I do.