Public Notice

Frontier provides flat rate residential service in Wisconsin from $11.50 - $19.50 and business service from $19.00 $35.50. Other taxes, fees, and surcharges may apply. Frontier offers single party service, touch tone, toll blocking, access to long distance, emergency services, operator assistance, and directory assistance. Use of these services may result in additional charges. Budget or economy services may also be available. Frontier offers Lifeline service which is a nontransferable government assistance program that provides a $7.25 discount on the cost of monthly telephone service or $9.25 on eligible broadband or bundled voice and broadband products (where available) and is limited to one discount per household. In addition to Basic Lifeline, individuals living on federally recognized Tribal Lands who meet the eligibility criteria may also qualify for additional monthly discounts through Enhanced Lifeline and up to $100.00 toward installation fees through the Tribal Link-Up program. You may also qualify for an additional state discount where available. If you have any questions regarding Frontier's rates or services, please call us at 1-800-FRONTIER for further information or visit us at 6/25/20 CNS-3372686# THE STAR NEWS 90628 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC
Eye Clinic of Wisconsin will begin the destruction of medical records on July 22, 2020. This includes patient records of those who were deceased prior to 2011 and were seen in any of our clinics from 1952 to 2010.
If a member of the public seeks to obtain a copy of their deceased relative’s medical record, s/he should notify Eye Clinic of Wisconsin at: Mail: 800 N. First Street, Wausau, WI 54403 Phone: 715.261.8500 or 800.472.0033 9am-3pm, Monday through Friday Requests must be received no later than July 8, 2020. (1st ins. June 18, 3rd ins. July 2)
90377 WNAXLP