Dec. 15 blaze destroys Suckows’ country home
Harvey and Margaret Suckow are without a dwelling of their own this week after a fire of unknown origin destroyed their home on Hwy. P three miles east of Unity Dec. 15.
The structure, which consisted of a 14-by-72-foot mobile home with an Aframe addition, was declared a total loss, according to Roger Bymers, Spencer assistant fire chief.
Spencer firemen responded to the call, which came in at 7:49 p.m. Saturday night, and were later assisted with tankers by Village of Unity and Colby firemen.
The Suckows have been living with relatives and at local motels, Mr. Suckow said at the fire scene Tuesday. He was assisting an LP gas supplier in moving the gas tank further from the scene in preparation to bulldozing the remains of his home.
Suckow said he and his wife were watching television Saturday night in one end of their home when they heard some noises and began smelling smoke. They realized their home was on fire and called the fire department, but were unable to salvage much before escaping the structure.
“We had the clothes we were wearing, and my wife’s pocketbook. We did save an old freezer we had outside, but that’s about it,” he said.
Suckow added it was fortunate his wife was able to get outside before the smoke got thick, as she had lung problems.
Bymers said the cause of the blaze was officially listed as undetermined. The structure was totally involved in flames when firemen arrived.
Colby school board meets
The Colby school board met Monday night with the main item on the agenda the discussion of studies relating to a new elementary building.
As the next step, the board agreed to start interviewing architects for opinions and design suggestions, before making any further decisions.
The type of building and the basic needs of the district regarding elementary facilities were discussed, with administrator Joseph Boettcher presenting several different concepts of building design and usage. Present discussion centered on one building to house grades kindergarten through six in Colby, to replace the two existing buildings.
Various architects will be interviewed to study a variety of proposals and buildings that have already been constructed for other schools.
At present, there have been no definite design styles proposed, nor cost estimates given.
Abbotsford home decoration contest
Residents of the Abbotsford area are reminded that a home decorating contest is being sponsored by the Abbotsford chamber of commerce.
Cash prizes are being given in religious and non-religious categories. The first prize in each is $7.50. The two second place winners will be receive $5 each, and the two third prizes will be $2.50. Judging will take place shortly before Christmas. Formal entries not being required, as the entire community will be toured by the judges.