Eagle Scout Award
George Kelsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelsey of Abbotsford, became Abbotsford’s first Eagle Boy Scout when he was presented the award in a special ceremony on Wednesday night, March 11, at the First Presbyterian Church at Abbotsford.
It was also a court of honor and awards ceremony for Troop 621, and otherawardswerealsomade.TheEagle presentation culminated the evening’s activities, and was made by William Wenzel, Sr. of Marshfield, the Ojibwa district organization and education chairman. He spoke briefly, outlining the steps necessary to attain the Eagle rank. He also praised George for his work in achieving the grade, stating that Eagle Scouts are a special type of person and are a “credit to self, family and community.”
The room was darkened for the ceremony, during which various scout ranks were lit by a spotlight. Candles for the 12 scout laws and parts of the scout oath were also lit.
Wenzel was assisted in the talk by Herman Schultz of Marshfield, the Ojibwa cub roundtable chairman.
An Eagle tie clasp was also given to George by Scoutmaster Tom Kittel of Abbotsford.
George started his scouting in July of 1967. He passed his tenderfoot tests in August and second class tests in October of that year. He became a first class scout in March of 1968 and Star one year later in March 1969. These ranks were all achieved under the direction of scoutmaster Aurele Larocque.
Colby board OKs invitation to Abbotsford
The Colby School Board will invite Abbotsford to discuss the school consolidation issues, but held off this week on other actions involving Dorchester Elementary and the middle school idea pending the receipt of more information.
The Facility Use Committee, which has been studying space-related problems in the Colby district for several months, brought in a list of recommendations to the regular school board meeting Monday, and saw the first one meet with swift approval.
The board will send a letter to the Abb o t s ford School Board requesting a discussion of the consolidation issue, which has received much publicity lately. Unofficial overtures to Abby have not been encouraging, but there has been no official communication between the two boards. Colby needs to get that formal response from Abbotsford before it can move ahead.
The Facility Use Committee had originally been charged with approaching the Abby district on the issue, but Committee Chairman Geri Batten said Monday, “We felt it would be better to go directly board to board. We wanted it to be open and equal, not just have them join our task force.”
The Colby board quickly approved a motion to request a joint board meeting to discuss consolidation. If the Abbotsford board is willing, board presidents and superintendents will get together to clarify an agenda for the meeting.