E DITOR Trump has not made America great again
To the editor: Mr. Wokatsch, clearly listening to Rush Limbaugh five days a week has brainwashed you beyond any reasonable expectation of hope. In other words, you’re a lost cause. However, for anyone else thinking of voting Republican and considers themselves to be capable of reasonable, objective and logical thought, I offer the following: Limbaugh is no American hero. This man used his bully pulpit to publicly call out a young lady by name and proceeded to call her names not fit to print here. But I’ll give you a hint, these words are commonly used to describe Trump’s girlfriends. You know, the ones he paid after sex, then said he didn’t, then said he did, then his lawyer went to prison for helping him cheat at the election.
He also attacked Michael J. Fox, claiming he was faking his Parkinson’s disease. Did Limbaugh fake it just to get a medal? He then went on to physically mock Mr. Fox, not unlike Trump mocking a disabled reporter at a rally much to the delight of his supporters. Fine men indeed; I see where you get your values.
The Senate impeachment trial was of course a total sham. Republican leaders told us before the trial even began they would vote to acquit. Being acquitted by your friends doesn’t exactly scream innocence. A few Republicans later sheepishly admitted Trump’s guilt, one said she “hopes” he learned his lesson. Whether or not you win or lose, or get caught or not, cheating is cheating. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He will cheat again.
Nancy Pelosi is a political genius. She knew from day one of her speakership how this would end. She had no choice but to defend the Constitution. Mitt Romney also stood up for the Constitution and voted to convict. Trump’s response was to attack these people, saying they were faking their faith in God, at a prayer breakfast no less. An honorable man, that Trump.
But it didn’t end there. Later he got in front of the camera to rant and rave for an hour. I’ll remind you that at this point Bill Clinton apologized to the country. The scene played out like a bully in a schoolyard. Trump calling out his enemies and attacking. Meanwhile a crowd (Republicans) applauds and cheers him on, some because they enjoy it, others because they live in fear of being next. No one would accept this behavior of our children. And these are our elected officials.
No doubt Fox News has shielded you from the hypocrisy of Lindsey Graham’s speech during the Clinton impeachment. But do you know whose words from that time couldn’t be used against her? Nancy Pelosi. Surely Fox News would have exploited that if they could have. Pelosi exposed the Republicans as the protectionists that they are, both then and now, when they elected Newt Gingrich as Speaker after he was caught lying to Congress.
If the “village idiot”was actually as smart as he claims, he would know that socialismandsocial-democratarenotone and the same. These terms are not interchangeable. This is a scare tactic meant to scare people who don’t understand the difference. It sounds similar therefore it must be bad. Obviously it’s working on him. They want you to think Democrats are some sort of 1930’s dark dystopian government. FDR won WWII and gave us Social Security. Mr Wokatsch, will you be forfeiting your SS checks? And don’t be looking for any handouts from Medicare/ Medicaid either.
My problem with American economic policy begins and ends with Republicans. From Reagan’s trickle down in the 1980’s that devastated farmers, to G.H. Bush’s famous lie “no new taxes” to Trump’s generous tax relief plan. Generous if you’re rich, because they got 83 percent and the working stiff got stiffed with 17 percent. We were told it would pay for itself, but the deficit continues to balloon. Farm bankruptcies are up 20 percent. Farmers’ market share has dropped to a record low 14.3 percent as of April 2019. Good times!
Trump has put forth his own little socialistic plan, in the form of relief payments to farmers. I have not signed up for one cent of these payments. I’m not looking for a handout. I want my fair share. A cap on how much profit processors and marketers make would be a good start.
The gap between the rich and poor continues to widen. Four hundred families hold as much wealth as the lower 50 percent of the entire country. The poorest people don’t even get the crumbs from a piece of the (total wealth) pie. They actually owe. We are the richest country in the world. I don’t see affordable healthcare as unreasonable. Or that anyone should go bankrupt just because they got sick as acceptable. “Rich” Limbaugh doesn’t have the added stress of worrying about how to pay the bills. He will seek out the finest care, whatever the cost.
As for the Iowa caucuses, in 2012 it took Republicans two weeks to declare Santorum was the actual winner.
I didn’t watch the Super Bowl. I’m not much interested in that gluttony of consumerism. I’m just glad that Cheater Brady wasn’t there. If you want to see a real show, Google “Trump Super Bowl National Anthem.” There you will see Trump jackassing around like the true man-child he is. And he said taking a knee was disrespectful. Ha!
Trump has proven himself an allor- nothing guy. You are either all in or you’re out. All Republicans running for office are doing so with Trump’s endorsement. You cannot pick and choose what you like or dislike about Trump or his policies. Trump has called Democrats evil and said they want to destroy our country. If you believe that, then you become part of the problem.
Trump is not a uniter, he is a divider. He has proven himself a liar (16,000+), a cheater, a racist (there are no “very fine people” who carry torches and spew hate) and plenty more. Do you really believe this is good for the country? Or that it’s worth a good economy or policy? Does the end justify the means? Is this who you are? If you vote Republican, then your answer to these is nothing less than yes.
I’m sorry to say that if you can’t find it in yourself to vote Democrat then maybe you should consider staying home.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ron Gutenberger
Who is better for the U.S.?
To the editor: Former President Obama’s (D) policies produced a very anemic recovery and greatly increased our national debt. Obamacare created double digit increases in health care costs and huge deductibles. The income gap rapidly expanded. Small job numbers were constantly revised down. Cost of living increased with stagnant wages. Businesses fled the country. Race relations degraded. He raised taxes, grew job killing regulations at a record pace, and his Paris climate accord was a $100 billion tax on America. He said this was as good as it will get and was the “new normal.”
President Trump (R) proved Mr. Obama’s policies were not good for America. Mr. Trump lowered taxes for most taxpayers. His policies brought back jobs. Unemployment is at record lows for all demographics (including minorities and women.) Wages are increasing. He is securing our borders and getting illegal immigration under control. (Illegal crossings are down almost 80 percent.) 401Ks are growing. He brought China’s theft of our intellectual property under control. New trade bills were just passed to increase farm exports and alleviate decades old problems farmers are having. Our economy is the best it’s ever been.
Democrat presidential candidates want to “reverse” all of this. Democrats openly promote taxpayer funding to kill innocent babies. (Planned parenthood received over $500 million taxpayer funds last year and gave Democrats nearly 10 percent of that.) They openly advocate taking guns away from law abiding people and are attempting this in VA and other states where they have control. They want open borders and taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals. They are against school choice.
They spent hundreds of millions of dollars in multiple investigations over three years trying to get rid of Mr. Trump, calling for impeachment even before his inauguration. They proposed cost prohibitive programs (costing trillions of dollars) but their prime focus is just to “beat Trump.” Their disdain, disrespect, and hatred for our country’s accomplishments, Mr. Trump and honored guests, were on full display by Speaker Pelosi’s (D) actions throughout the State of the Union address.
Voters will show which they believe is better for our country, a return to Mr. Obama’s “new normal” or Mr. Trump’s Keep America Great.
Tim Kapfhamer