The joy of transportation

We’re often told to not take things for granted, to value all the blessings we have in our lives, both the little and the big. I mean, that’s the whole point of Thanksgiving, right? We’re supposed to count our blessings.
Of course, we often do not, which I suppose is human nature. There’s that other oft-spoken phrase that goes “Out of sight, out of mind.” For most people, if you don’t see the problem, then you don’t have a problem.
Me, I got problems. Well, mostly just one big problem, and it comes in the form of my SUV. When you work as a reporter you often find yourself on the road, and for that you need a trusty ride.
My SUV has gotten me through some tough spots — through thunderstorms and snow drifts and everything in between. However, lately it’s been going through some hiccups, and I find myself a frequent flyer at the mechanic.
I went without my own wheels for over three weeks, but my trusty mechanic, Manny Gamillo, was able to diagnose my problem and fix it, and it didn’t cost me an arm, leg or kidney.
There was some anxiety, though, as the various ailments plaguing my vehicle seemed to be never ending. There were some wheel bearing issues, some brake pad problems and some carrier bearing dilemmas.
But they are all taken care of, and for the first time since the middle of November, I have my own set of wheels back. It feels great to be able to cruise around Abbotsford and Colby in a smooth ride once more.
You don’t really realize how much you rely upon your own transportation until it’s gone. Sure, I live in Colby, and most everything is within walking distance. But who wants to walk to the grocery store in the middle of a blizzard? Who wants to take a trip to the gas station for a loaf of bread when the only form of travel is one’s two feet?
Normally I love a good walk, but when the wind is howling and the temps are freezing, as they have been the past few weeks, walking is no fun, and slightly crazy and dangerous.
My co-workers were able to give me rides into work and back home, but after awhile you feel as if you are imposing on their schedules, and messing up their day. Then there is the disruption to your own life — anything more than a mile away is out of the question.
So, no road trips, no drives to the movie theater and no way to see M USINGS AND G RUMBLINGS
friends or family. When you don’t have wheels, you’re essentially a prisoner in your own home.
Having your own vehicle is having the gift of freedom — it’s the freedom to travel where you want and when you want. Having a reliable vehicle is a gift unto itself, and it comes just in time for Christmas.
I’m looking forward to doing some travelling and being in my own car again. What are you thankful for?