Thieves break into Colby School safe
An estimated $2,000 in cash was taken from the Colby high school safe in a break-in sometime Tuesday night.
The money was taken from a safe in the school office. A hole had been knocked through the wall into the safe. Entrance to the building was gained through a trap door in the roof.
Also damaged was the door into the offi ce, which was forced, breaking the lock. Most of the cash was placed in the safe after a donkey basketball game that evening. School officials are still checking to determine the exact amount of the loss. Some checks may also be missing, although some were left in the safe.
Colby-Abbotsford police chief Albert Podevels is investigating.
Colby Council proposes budget
The Colby city council proposed a 1970 budget with an increased levy of $5,000 at its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, November 4.
The proposed budget calls for a local levy of $45,000, an increase of $5,000 over last year’s levy. The effect on the property tax mill rate is still undetermined however and will depend on the amount of increase in assessed valuation.
Total proposed expenditures in the 1970 budget are $101,865, an increase of $2,265 over the 1969 budget. Areas of greatest increase over the 1969 budget include hydrant rental, up $2,335, and street lights, up $1,000.
New Highway 13 will open Monday
While driving the 10.3 mile section of Hwy. 13 between Colby and Spencer last week, DOT Project Engineer Dick McClain commented, “I think the three communities will be pleased with their new roadway. Overall I’m pleased with how it turned out, and I think the public received a very good value for the tax dollars spent.” The contract price was $9,022,000 for reconstructing that section of highway, which is scheduled to open next Monday, Nov. 13. Ribbon cutting ceremonies will take place Tuesday, Nov. 14, starting in Spencer at 10 a.m. Unity and Colby will have their own ceremonies as the group travels north. Among other dignitaries, DOT Sec. Ron Fielder is expected to be on hand.
Workers were hustling this week to get concrete poured on driveway approaches and blacktop laid at some rural intersections, but those activities will not affect the opening of the highway. “That work is not essential but it needs to get done for the convenience of residences and businesses,” McClain stated.
He said precautions have been taken pouring concrete in increasingly cold weather, including covering subgrade with straw and plastic to prevent freezing, and covering the fresh concrete with the same materials after the pour.
McClain said 170,000 square yards of concreted have been laid as part of the project.