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Children’s Theatre to hold auditions March 2 at LTCA

The little red truck from Missoula will soon be arriving at the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts in Spencer.

An open audition will be held for the Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) production of Gulliver’s Travels on Monday, March 2, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., on the stage of the LTCA. Those tryingout should plan to remain for the full two hours. Some of those chosen will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the audition.

Roles for 50 to 60 local children are available. Kindergarteners through 10th graders are encouraged to audition; no advance preparation is necessary.

Assistant directors will also be selected to help with rehearsals throughout the week and to take on essential backstage responsibilities.

Gulliver’s Travels will be presented to the public on Saturday, March 7, with a single show beginning at 2 p.m.

The Missoula Children’s Theatre residency in Spencer is brought to you by the LTCA with support from Tim and Marlene Ablett, Rembs Funeral Home – the Greg and Tami Jackan and families, the Daniel and Claire Schiller family, Ruby Thomas and the Wisconsin Arts Board.

New this year is a change to the usual rehearsal and performance schedule. Cast members will rehearse during the school day on Friday, March 6, and then present a private student performance at 1:30 p.m. and a single public performance on Saturday.

Details of this break with tradition can be found at

For tickets and more information, call the LTCA ticket office at 715.659.4499 or email