DNR approves 10-year trout management plan
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recently approved its first statewide trout management plan. The plan provides direction for inland trout management in Wisconsin and will be in effect from 2020 to 2029.
The plan covers brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout and lake trout in inland lakes, ponds and streams of Wisconsin, including tributaries of the Great Lakes upstream from impassible barriers such as dams and naturally occurring falls.
The inland trout management plan includes four primary goals: n Protect, enhance and restore sustainable cold-water aquatic habitats and ecosystems.
n Protect, develop, enhance and restore trout populations and trout angling opportunities for the diverse preferences and needs of our participants.
n Collect, develop and use the best science to guide trout management decisions.
n Maintain and expand partnerships and engage diverse anglers, stakeholders and the general public on trout management and angling opportunities.
The Wisconsin DNR trout team developed the trout management plan with the input of a stakeholder team composed of individuals representing various groups across the state, such as anglers, landowners and farmers. The trout team met twice with the stakeholder group at UW-Stevens Point to create the plan, and the stakeholder team also reviewed the draft plan.
In spring 2019, the department released a draft of the plan to the public and presented it at statewide public meetings for additional public input. The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board approved the plan at the October 2019 meeting. The final version of the plan will be used to guide trout management in Wisconsin over the next 10 years.
This plan can be accessed on the DNR website at https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/trout/inlandtroutmanagementplan. html.