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Writer says justice appears different depending on if you are rich or poor

Vox Pop

Again some lawmakers of our government that investigate people that violate our constitution of laws in this country are from what I see nowadays, not built to prosecute rich, popular white men in this country. They’re built to protect those type of men, no matter what laws they break. No rock solid evidence will ever hold them accountable, that’s the reality I see. A reality where the rule of law is a selective outcome for its citizens, and where having wealth and whiteness seems to put you above the accountability of the rule of law. Most of us fortunately understand what Thales said, “Avoid doing what you would blame others for doing.” Before they find themselves sitting in a court room, guilty or not, scared to death of an unpredictable outcome by a supposedly non bias group of lawmakers that can’t even agree on the laws they have passed between themselves on who’s guilty of what, all the while having the audacity of saying, we need more time and payment to figure out what we have said. We all know that humans have been arguing for millennia over what’s right or wrong, it’s big business, and money buys favorable outcomes.

It is also a fact that politicians, police, prosecutors and judges have extraordinary power over our lives including life or death and they are among the least accountable people on the planet, and many of them are crooks. But no one can say or ever prove all politicians or law enforcement are crooked because they’re not, but let’s face it, justice for your behavior is for the rich and powerful, where there is money for justice, justice can be bought! Where there is no money—you will end up in jail, you don’t believe it, research it. If America wants to remain viable, holding crooks accountable is its only hope, if there’s violence, so be it, it’s the price we pay for equal justice. Impunity is a negative attribute to law and any idea that letting anyone walk will heal America, is a bad idea, the rule of law is a principle which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws, but the reality is money laughs at the rule of law and not all laws are just. Also, between right, wrong and money which one did humans think of first?

— M. Clendenning, Rib Lake