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Self indulgence is as bad as a dictator, both are no good

Vox Pop

To state that the general population is ignorant to the fields of science and they believe in the falsehoods of their imaginations, has to be the understatement of the century, but true.

The false pride that affects some people in this nation is just as contagious and deadly as COVID-19. It is undermining this nation just like any deadly virus. Why are some people so self-centered?

Can’t they accept the fact there are people in this world that far exceed their intelligence and we should be grateful for that. Do they not understand, none of us is as smart as all of us? And why have they abandoned reason? Do they not understand that without facts, you can’t have truth and without truth, you can’t have trust. How can we have a democracy without that? Do people realize that less than 200 years ago when the sun set, the majority of people sat in the dark, hot or cold and waited for the sun to rise again so they could just function again.

Today this country has an electrical system, a medical community, a school system, a banking system, an agricultural system, a law enforcement system, a fire department system, a road system, a water and sewer system and more stores with material things than Carter has liver pills.

And yet, some of you think it is all wrong, and you want to use violence to change things. Well Einsteins, things may not be perfect and we may still be paying the price for it right now in our health and environment but at least sane people aren’t using violence to make a better world for people.

Your efforts to dismantle our government and our institutions with hatred and ignorance is not going to accomplish a damn thing other than putting us back in that shack again waiting for the sun to rise. It is a fact of life that short-sighted, willfully blind, and narrowly selfish people exist, but they are for now at least, not the majority in a functional society, otherwise nothing would work. So what’s the difference between self indulgence and a dictator? Here’s a clue, there is none. They are both no good.

— M. Clendenning, Rib Lake