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Says voting yes is right financial move for taxpayers

Vox Pop

In another era, if someone spouted anti-government malarkey it was easy to dismiss as just your crazy brother-in-law talking. He had no basis, just a lot of ‘they say’ nonsense about taxes.

It’s why I’m puzzled about the flyer included in this week’s shopper.

56818_ 3 It can’t be from my crazy Minnesota brother-in-law, but this flyer has the same ol’ doesn’t make a lick of sense government spending diatribe. Whoever authorized and paid for mailing, didn’t have the guts to sign it, so I’m baffled to guess what financial wizard took the cowardly path of an anonymous mailer.

Like the banker who gives you a loan or the tax preparer who says sign here, the administrator and accountants who present the referendum have more on the line than even reputation. When they do their math, they do the work, double check it, and keep the adding machine tape for future reference.

Ironically enough, local Wisconsin school districts are governments which most closely operate their budgets in the same way a household might. They are held to strict revenue caps - so while costs may rise - income is what the state legislature allows. Local property taxpayers, state and federal income taxpayers then pay that bill.

That’s my first and foremost reason for supporting the Medford Area School District referendum question. Unless banks decide to give away money someday, interest rates will never be lower. Ever.

Based on the latest estimate from the district, the interest savings would fund about three teaching positions a year for 20 years. Those won’t be new positions, that’s spending less of the budget on debt service and saving elective course positions from the state-mandated chopping block if money tightens. It’s just like your household. Popularity and success of an academic program or staff member won’t matter if a bad decision by voters now means a more expensive building referendum at a higher interest rate later.

The second reason I support the referendum is the real need for updates and improvements to the high school campus. It’s an aging facility and needs to be fixed before the district is facing two old buildings with even bigger needs.

The green mailer includes a headline “keep your taxes low.” I agree. Vote yes, borrow money at the lowest interest rates, and keep the debt service tax as low as it will ever be. — Mark Berglund, Medford