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Sister Shirley shares uplifting commentary about current world situation

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This is a friend of mine and I thought it is very uplifting for these times

— Sister Shirley Wagner, Medford

“As we go through this, one day at a time, we will enjoy the warmer weather, walks through the woods and the return of migrating birds. The sandhill cranes and the swans are already saluting us noisily as they pass overhead. You know who is in control . . . and it is not us.” — quote from Book Lady: Life in the time of COVID-19, Pioneer Press Sunday Edition, April 5, 2020.

This quote inspired me to write my thoughts on the COVID-19 health crisis today, Palm Sunday. I missed singing in our St. Joseph’s Catholic Church choir and seeing my beloved family and friends gather at mass. I have always loved this beautiful and hopeful time of year. It has been inspiring to see the heartfelt engagement of our entire church community united together in prayer. I didn’t get a new palm for the very first time since I was a child. Thus today feels so different and saddens me somewhat. What now? These are some of my innermost thoughts. May we keep the hope and realization that as we live out our temporary lives on this earth, it may be time to reflect more on our most paramount purpose of existence. Is that just self-fulfillment or for a cause much greater than ourselves? As we gaze around, our eyes fall on both beauty and despair. We need to redirect our focus on those whom we see that are in need, who are fearful and lonely, and who have many unfulfilled hopes arid dreams. Prepare to be there in any way we can to assist them. Lighten their loads and bring joy and love to their inner souls. Do not hesitate, as God is calling each of us to react and reach out now. Time is of the essence. Know that God has a unique plan for each of us. Restore your faith and hope in yourself and others. Reflect on the gifts God has generously given you and be willing to share them. Recognize the inner strength God has blessed you with, and know that we can truly make a difference! How will you use your power today?

Our Prayer: Thank you God for the beauty of our earth, and the power of love, strength, and hope that so abundantly surrounds us. God, you have been so generous in giving and we will be more-mindful of not ever taking it for granted. We must leave our world a better place for the many future generations who will follow us here on this beautiful planet. This is our test our heavenly Father, and we pray we pass, in our success at procuring the strength to help make our world a more us safe, and guide us as we set forth our best efforts towards healing throughout our great nation during this COVID-19 humanitarian crisis in our world today.

Thank you our heavenly Father. We trust that you are hearing our plea and that we shall recognize hopeful signs in our near future. Blessings, — Mary Kay Buhr, member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Amery