Dems use coronavirus threat to push their agenda
Tim Kapfhamer
There has been a lot of debate about how to handle the coronavirus threat we are facing.
President Trump’s (R) handling of this has 55 percent approval. Democrats and the media are complaining and doing a lot of negative reporting about Mr. Trump’s methods/policies. Things could be worse if Democrats were determining actions. Just look at what they are doing.
Democrats control the House of Representatives. The House passed a $1.7 trillion bi-partisan (363-40) Coronavirus Relief Bill to address the current threat. Senate Democrats killed this relief bill.
This led to Speaker Pelosi (D) and other House Democrats to write “their” bill in which they are demanding the following: -- Publicize corporate board pay and race statistics.
-- Bail out the Post Office.
-- Require early voting.
-- Require same day voter registration.
-- Increased airline fuel emissions standards.
-- Report greenhouse gas stats for individual flights. -- Give community newspaper employees retirement plans. -- Unprecedented union collective bargaining powers. -- Expanded wind and solar tax credits.
-- $15 Federal minimum wage.
-- Permanent paid leave.
-- Climate change mitigation effort study.
They also discussed wiping $10,000 in student debt loan, infrastructure spending, Social Security expansion, and other issues. They reportedly tried to include abortion funding in the bill that passed. Their “open borders” policies would compound the problems we currently have.
After the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, former President Obama (D) didn’t follow recommendations to replenish the stockpile of 100 million N95 respirator masks used (Bloomberg News & LA Times.) Now Mr. Trump is fixing this shortage.
This crisis is just a political opportunity to the Democrats to push through their agenda. The Hill reported that Rep. Clyburn (D) told colleagues, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
There may be no “best” way to handle this threat, but this already massive spending bill shouldn’t be inflated with pork for unrelated Democrat pet projects. Democrats keep up their obstruction while people suffer. They should be working for the country, not their own self-interest.