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Suggests using COVID-19 crisis as a way to slow down

Vox Pop

With this coronavirus (COVID-19) it is as though the earth told us all to go to our rooms and think about who we are and what we have done.

We will get through this terrible pandemic ravaging the world. The scientists tell us to wash our hands, don’t touch our face, stand at least 8-10 ft. away from another person, don’t gather in groups of more than 10 and so much more. I find myself using antibacterial soap on my hands, antibacterial wipes on everything daily – doorknobs, the kitchen sink and handle to turn on the water, our computers, phones, and my office keyboard and even spraying disinfectant spray on the bathroom sink at night I wash our clothes, bedding often and when I go to the grocery store I wear a mask and gloves – if you can find rubber gloves discard them after shopping. We shelter in place, and I work from my home office as an editor/mentor for writers via UW-Madison Pathway to Publication. I am working on another book following my published book “Memoir Writing in 6 Easy Steps.” No more procrastinating the earth seems to tell me… just get it done.

Yet. I am grateful. I am grateful for my longtime husband and best friend, a walk down to the lake or around the block, seeing the snow begin melting, living in a town where two marvelous people have contacted me to see if there is anything we need. The internet gives us access to worldwide information. With serious precautions in place, I know this virus will eventually pass and the markets will come back to normal (fingers crossed).

Best of all perhaps is the slowing down of time. Realizing that we may be on different ends of the political spectrum but we are all going to survive this pandemic together one day at a time.

It isn’t us vs. them. It is us vs. IT. Maybe that is really what the earth is trying to tell us.— Sue Roupp, Rib Lake