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Says Trump has no morals

Vox Pop

From when our consciousness first came about, who liked being hit, burned, abused, starved, locked up, or being forced into labor and war at the whims of people that call themselves kings, queens, dictators, or politicians.

No one, right?

Isn’t this why we have constitutions? Like our constitution with its three branches of government that separates the powers of administrations of obstinate, arrogant people, that lack the latitude for compromise, for reasons unexplained, and bring our government institutions into crises. One problem with the world’s constitutions is, people seem to have different meanings for the words they all read, why? Do people not understand what James Madison said: executive power must be confined and defi ned to avoid elective monarchies. I think everyone that can read, should read our constitution. And if we cannot understand what our forefathers and the people who added the amendments to our constitution are telling us, what are we going to do, what? Get rid of the rule of law? Like Trump is trying to do.

People do your research this is common knowledge. For the past decade Trump and cronies have been operating with Russia and the Saudis for mutual profit, both financial and political. He’s up to his neck with two authoritarian regimes. His life depends on not crossing these killers, why else is he deliberately dismantling the intelligence community. He needs to shut people up. And Trump supporters are enabling it all.

As for Trump, don’t read more into a man than common sense says is there, he would give his soul and this country to emulate a dictatorship. If you think Trump cares about you or America, you’re delusional. This is how pathetic we have become. It would not matter if Trump was a democrat. Republican and democrat administrations will blindly follow their presidents down any rabbit hole, for their self-serving preservation. That’s the reality of money, power and people that can’t think for themselves. People are going to wake up some day and find themselves facing a dictatorship. Your biggest enabler, Donald Trump. Think about this, peoples’ views may change like the weather, but one thing that never changes, humans’ fear of intimidation, violence and death by dictators, that’s timeless.

The constitution is the supreme law of this nation. The president is to enforce the law, not make the law. As far as I’m concerned, you can pass all the laws you want, bottom line, either humans take care of each other or kill each other, it’s the moral principles of society that matter. Trump has no morals.

And he’s fleecing the hell out of us. — M. Clendenning, Rib Lake