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On Lyme Disease and mycoplasma


Many of your readers know I have battled Lyme Disease for many years. I have some good days, some not so good. I’m passing on some really troubling info on Lyme, and it’s co-infection, mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma is a tiny bacteria found in 60 percent of Lyme sufferers and about 50 percent of cancer patients tested. There are over 200 species, 23 found in humans. My doctor sent bloodwork off to Germany before we found it, about the same time a biopsy came back positive for breast cancer. So, I had a double mastectomy, then went back to researching Lyme, and this tiny thing called mycoplasma. It also seems that the U.S. Army has a 1963 patent on it. Really?

I’m reading some new books now on Lyme and mycoplasma. A science writer, Kris Newby from Stanford University, got Lyme, and after a long ordeal, worte a book, “Bitten.” Wow, what a book. And then there’s “Lab 257” by M. Carroll, about Plum Island and the bioweapons projects. There’s also a book by Dr. Cass Ingram, a Canadian doctor who had terrible Lyme, and wrote another book -- “The Lyme Disease Cure.” In there, he uncovered “Operation Paperclip” about our secret bio-weapons studies. Lyme is no longer local, it is all over our country, plus who knows where else.

I have many boks on Lyme and mycoplasma, plus DVDs. I’d be glad to share what I have with anyone who has problems.

The more I study and learn, the more questions I have. There seems to be way more to the Lyme story than we know. And just where did this mycoplasma come from? When cows get it, the cattle truck is called to take out the cow. One doctor thinks it is airborne, so I guess we’re all vulnerable.

Esther Niedzwiecki
