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County board needs compromise


To the Editor: As I read the stories from The Record Review, The City Pages and other new outlets about the Marathon County budget proposals on cuts, I notice on both sides that one group claims to be the victim and point at the other groups that they are the problem. Two things. First, “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.” And second, compromise.

Let’s start with the size of the county board.

Let me quote board supervisor Arnold Schlei from the Oct. 10-17th edition of The City Pages. He was against the redistricting because he thought it would limit voices in rural communities, and others worried they would be representing too many people to be effective. Here is my response to Mr. Schlei’s comment: encourage people to live in your district and consider it a job. Your district has growth just as much as mine in the town of Emmet. So promote it. My township has agriculture, forestry, land, and natural resources. My township also has four great school districts. It is your job to serve the people.

Now, for the non profits, I say make the case. It starts with paper and pencil. I hear numbers about how much money is raised and how many people are rescued. But I wonder though. Are they asking the right questions? Are these non profits ending poverty? Are these groups making the right sales pitch? Every year will have a different turn out. But are they helping. As I promote agriculture education and agriculture within Farm Bureau and FFA Alumni, I tell children that there is a life in the world in agriculture and even here in Marathon County.

In the end, make your case and compromise. We all try to do our good deeds in our community, our county and our country.

William J. Litzer Halder

To the Editor: In September a farmer in Richland County was saving his crops by filling DNR ag tags. Richland County has 200 deer per square mile when there should only be a few. He was dealing with herds up to 50 deer in his field. Some trophy hunting neighbors reported him. He was subsequently surveilled by wardens hiding on his land. He was arrested and handcuffed. His guns were confiscated. He now faces over $2,000 in fines.

This farmer lost as much as $20,000 per year totaling $100,000 in the last five years. He has never taken money from the state to cover his loss. In the last 30 years he has allowed at least 10 hunters a year to hunt.When you add the hunting licenses and the crop loss that the state didn’t have to cover he has benefitted the state about $110,000.

He was treated like a criminal. Many farmers have experienced the same treatment, giving up using ag tags. Neighbors wanting big bucks reported them. This situation must be changed and the farmers who make a living must be made a priority. If there are too many deer the state should bring the numbers down even using sharp shooters on farmland to do this.

I urge all who care about the billions generated by farming in the state to call the DNR and legislators to change rules so that struggling farmers can save their crops. We need to stop catering to big buck hunters. Sincerely, Juliee de la Terre “Concerned Citizen from Richland County” Viola, WI