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Maple syrup seminar offered

The Taylor County UW-Extension and Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers organization are teaming up to hold a free seminar on running a maple syrup operation in Central Wisconsin.

The seminar will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, January 29 in the large meeting room at the Taylor County Education Center. The featured speaker will be Jeremy Solin, Extension Maple Syrup Project Manager, with the UW-Extension. Solin is a fourth generation maple producer and the Wisconsin Maple Syrup project manager with the UW-Extension. He and his family tap trees in northern Langlade County on land where they’ve lives for more than 100 years. His education and professional background are in natural resources management, community outreach and education, leadership development and sustainability.

The event is open to all levels of producers, from the person thinking about tapping the trees in their backyard to small and mid-size producers to large scale production.

Topics to be covered include how to get started with a maple syrup operation, how to expand your operation, an overview of the equipment involved and information about the business end of marketing and selling what is produced.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wisconsin’s 2021 maple syrup production was 300,000 gallons, up 35,000 gallons from 2020. The number of taps increased by 70,000 in 2021 to 850,000 taps.

To register for the maple syrup seminar, call Michelle Grimm at 715-748-3327 x2 or email