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Development Foundation reports economic successes in 2021

“It is a exciting time for the community we live in.”

That was the message from Brian Hallgren, president of the Medford Area Development Foundation at Tuesday afternoon’s annual meeting of the organization.

“A lot of us have been around for a long time. This time, right now there is more that is going going on. . . . It is a tremendous time and I hope we can all stick together as a community and city,” Hallgren said, emphasizing the positive steps that have occurred in the past year and citing the achievements that have occurred.

The annual meeting of the MADF has become over the years an unofficial annual report on the economic health of the community. A crowning achievement for the past year was the work done behind the scenes by the MADF to work with the city to bring a 64-unit apartment complex to Medford that was announced in December and will be built in 2022. Hallgren credited the work done by the committee chairs John Lange and Chris Schield, but also praised the work of everyone else.

He also reported on the group expanding its reach into a regional level working closing with groups in Gilman and Rib Lake areas both through MADF and through the efforts of the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce.

Hallgren also took the time to praise the past efforts of Mark Hoffman and Len Hamman who are leaving the board to take up ex officio positions with the MADF. Hallgren praised their unique perspectives and strong financial backgrounds in their years of service to MADF.

In addition to the comments from Hallgren, MACC president Sue Emmerich spoke about their efforts on behalf of economic development in the community.

“Everything we do is economic development,” she said, citing the office’s efforts to promote businesses, tourism and help with events in the community.

A video presentation was played highlighting the activities work done by the office staff including: The Boots on the Ground tour with economic leaders to learn about opportunities and expansions that was held this fall.

Helping facilitate 14 businesses to receive Main Street Bounce Back grants totaling $140,000.

Working with the downtown redevelopment project including the Whelen Ave. parking lot rehabilitation.

Assisting with the efforts of working on the housing project to bring much-needed housing in the city.

Welcoming 14 businesses with ribbon cuttings. Working with the Taylor County Tourism committee.

Welcoming 52 new members to the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce including businesses in Price and Rusk counties.

Events that went “out of the box” such as bringing in the Chris Kroeze concert at ParkFest, the winter fireworks at the Lighting the Lights and free movie day along with building up existing events.

Following Emmerich’s presentation,Billie Hartwig, chamber vice president, spoke about going forward and about how they are excited to work with expanding to work with businesses and individuals throughout the region. She said she is learning how everything comes back to economic development and how everyone is working together.

During the business portion of the meeting, development foundation members received a report from nominating committee chairman Chip Courtney formally nominating Doug Gasek, Dave Fleegel and Sam Klinner to serve on the development foundation board taking the seats vacated by Hamman, Hoffman and Joe Mitchell. Members approved the nominating committee recommendations on a unanimous vote as well as approving Hamman and Hoffman to move to ex officio members.

“They offer a diversity of backgrounds,” Hallgren said, noting they would be working to fill additional ex officio positions in the future.