Charge dismissed

A charge of garbage dumping against Arnold J. Dachel, 28, Sheldon, was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion.
Tyler J. Moretz, 19, Medford, was placed on probation for one year after revocation of a deferred prosecution agreement for a charge of resisting or obstructing an offi cer. As condition of his probation, Moretz must pay a forfeiture of $443 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC; submit to a DNA sample; and undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by probation. Upon successful completion of his probation, Moretz may petition the court for expungement of the charge.
Clifton J. Neubauer, 18, Unity, pled no contest to an amended charge of theft of movable property less than or equal to $2,500 (as a party to a crime). The original charge was theft of movable property greater than $2,500 to $5,000. Neubauer entered into a deferred prosecution agreement for a period of 11 months. As terms of the agreement, Neubaurer must perform 20 hours of community service, pre-approved by the district attorney’s office and provide proof of completion to the district attorney’s office by July 27, 2020; must not commit any criminal offenses during the period of the agreement; notify the Taylor County district attorney and clerk of court offices of any address change within 10 days; comply with all of the terms of bond, which continues to remain in effect during the period of the agreement; and write a letter of apology to the victim prior to the plea hearing. Upon successful completion of the agreement, the state will move to dismiss the count.
Tina M. Gebauer, 42, Medford, pled no contest to a reduced charge of speeding 1-10 mph over the limit and forfeited $175.30.
Matthew J. Normington, 36, Pittsville, pled no contest to an amended charge of failure to obey traffic offi cer/signal and forfeited $175.30. The original charge was passing in a no-passing zone.
Andrew T. Rothmeier, 18, St. Germain, pled no contest to a reduced charge of non-criminal disorderly conduct and forfeited $330.50. He also pled no contest to an amended charge of possession of marijuana and forfeited $330.50. The original charge had been possession of THC. Counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 years old were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.
Separate charges of minor possessing or purchasing tobacco, operating while suspended and underage drinking-possession (first offense) were dismissed on prosecutor’s motions.
Brandon J. Yaeger, 27, Wind Lake, pled no contest to an amended charge of operating without a valid licensefi rst offense and forfeited $267.50. The original charge had been operating while revoked.
A separate charge of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance against Yaeger was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion.
Alonso Garcia Sosa, 22, Rib Lake, pled no contest to sexual intercourse with a child 16 years old or older, actor 19 years old or older. Sentence was withheld and Garcia Sosa was placed on probation for two years on the condition he pay a forfeiture of $443 and supervision fees as ordered by the Department of Corrections (DOC); submit to a DNA sample; have no contact with the victim; and undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by probation. Garcia Sosa also pled no contest to a count of resisting or obstructing an officer. Sentence was withheld and Garcia Sosa was placed on probation for two years on the condition he serve 30 days in jail. Forfeiture, fees and conditions are the same as for his other probation. Counts of third-degree sexual assault and criminal trespass to a dwelling were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.
Susan L. Lemke, 33, Chelsea, pled no contest to issuing a worthless check. Sentence was withheld and Lemke was placed on probation for two years on the condition she pay a forfeiture of $528, supervision fees as ordered by the DOC and restitution in an amount to be determined within 30 days; submit to a DNA sample; write a letter of apology, pre-approved by probation, to the victim within 30 days of plea and sentencing; undergo any counseling deemed appropriate by probation; and obtain/maintain full-time employment.
Christopher A. Martin, 49, Stetsonville, pled no contest to operating while under the influence-fourth offense. Sentence was withheld and Martin was placed on probation for two years on the condition he serve 60 days in jail; pay a forfeiture of $2,498 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC; submit to a DNA sample; attend the OWI victim impact panel scheduled in January, 2020; obtain/maintain full-time employment; must not operate a motorcycle; and make a good faith effort to complete the OWI treatment court program and pay the participation fee. In addition, Martin’s driver’s license was revoked for three years, an ignition interlock device (IID) is to be installed on his vehicle for 12 months and he must undergo an alcohol and drug assessment and comply with the driver safety plan. Martin also pled no contest to a count of OWI-fifth offense (Marathon County case). Sentence was withheld and Martin was placed on probation for two years on the condition he serve six months in jail, to run concurrent with his other jail time; and pay a forfeiture of $2,452 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC. All other conditions are the same as for his other probation. A count of operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC)fourth offense was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion. Counts of operating while revoked-fourth or greater offense and misdemeanor bail jumping were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.
See COURT PROCEEDINGS Court proceedings
Separate charges of felony bail jumping and operating while revoked-fourth or greater offense were dismissed but read in.
Daniel A. Schwartz, 39, Medford, pled guilty to operating while under the influence-third offense. He was sentenced to serve 105 days in jail; pay a forfeiture of $6,620; submit to a DNA sample; and undergo an alcohol and drug assessment and comply with the driver safety plan. Sentence was imposed and stayed and Schwartz was placed on probation for two years on the condition he serve 45 days in jail; pay a forfeiture of $3,043 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC; submit to a DNA sample; and undergo an alcohol and drug assessment and comply with the driver safety plan. In addition, Schwartz’s driver license was revoked for 30 months and an IID is to be installed on his vehicle for one year. A count of operating with a PAC-third offense was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion. Counts of possession of a controlled substance and operating while revoked were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.
A divorce decree was issued to Gregory R. Ellis, 59, Medford, and Melissa G. Ellis, 49, Rockford, Ill.