Colby library accepting gifts for Nov. 23 Holiday Shoppe

October’s Old Tyme Family Recipe Bake-Off at the Colby Community Library was a success, with 25 entries in five categories. Free copies of the cookbook of delicious recipes are available at the circulation desk.
Beginning Nov. 1, the Friends of the Colby Community Library will be accepting new adult items for the Holiday Shoppe for Kids. Donations may be brought to the library through Nov. 20. Cash donations are also welcome to help purchase additional items. Gifts for children are not needed—only new adult gifts are being collected.
The Holiday Shoppe for Kids will be open Saturday, Nov. 23, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children will be able to shop for gifts for up to six adults in their lives, at a low per-gift cost. Gifts will be wrapped.
Children must be old enough to enter the Holiday Shoppe by themselves. Friends of the CCL will be staffing the Shoppe to offer assistance, but no adults will be able to accompany the shoppers into the room. The library will also be open extended hours that day. Plan to make a day of local shopping by visiting the Holiday Shoppe for Kids at the CCL and also the Colby Elementary School’s Fall Festival.
Registration begins Nov. 4 for the Wausau DIY class on Friday, Dec. 13, at 6 p.m. This popular sign-making event is sponsored by the Friends of the CCL. Registration and payment is online only.
Past events have filled up very fast, so if you are interested, remember to sign up starting Nov. 4. See the library’s Facebook page for more information.
The High Victorian Tea is filled to capacity. The tea will begin at 6 p.m. on Nov. 6. Jackie Zoellner will be instructing guests on tea etiquette for the six-courses that evening.
Story Time will be Thursday, Nov. 14, at 1 p.m. The theme is “Harvest” and will include stories, songs and crafts.
Craft and Hobby Night is Friday, Nov. 15. Doors open at 4 p.m. for general crafting by adults. Participants are asked to bring a snack to share and beverage of your choice. An entrée will be ordered.
Book clubs are in full swing. At 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 19, the afternoon club will discuss “At First Sight” by Nicholas Sparks. The evening club will meet Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss “Long Way Down” by Jason Reynolds. The discussion leader for the evening will be Terra Newman.
Looking ahead for the perfect holiday gift? A leaf on the Colby Community Library Giving Tree is a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. Cards acknowledging a contribution to the new library can be custom designed for you to give to everyone on your gift giving list. There are 20 leaves remaining.
The library will be closed on Thanksgiving Day but will be open on Friday and Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. “At this time of Thanksgiving, the Colby Community Library staff would like to extend thanks to all the patrons, donors, businesses, and volunteers who support the library and its programs all year long,” said library director Vicky Calmes. “It really does take a community to build a library, and the CCL is the result of great response to a need.”