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_ Nov. 3 - An officer responded to an Abbotsford residence after a man reported concerns about his teenage daughter’s whereabouts. The father said his daughter told him that she was going to another apartment to babysit, but when he checked on the other apartment, he found out that she was not expected for babysitting that day.

The complainant also reported seeing a suspicious looking vehicle in the area and wanted to know if his daughter had been picked up by someone. The officer got permission from the apartment manager to view the apartments’ security footage, and he saw the complainant’s daughter get in the suspicious vehicle. The officer noticed the same vehicle at a nearby intersection, but there was only a male driver inside.

The daughter returned home and said she needed to talk to the officer about something. She said she had been talking with someone she met on Instagram, and the person wanted to meet her in person. She said this person seemed to know everything about her, including where she lived. She started taking screen shots because she was suspicious, and this upset the other person.

The teen said her friend had picked her up that day so she could meet the person from Instagram at a park. When they arrived at the park, she said the person she was supposed to meet messaged her. The person said there was another truck at the park, and she was supposed to come alone.

The officer viewed security video from the park, which shows a truck pulling in about 10 minutes after the teen and her friend arrive. The teen and her friend leave about two minutes after that, and no other vehicles can be seen at the park.

The officer also asked the teen about the friend who picked her up. At first she didn’t want to say his name because she was afraid of getting him in trouble, but then she provided it. The officer went to a residence in Unity where the friend’s vehicle had been, but no one was home.

_ Nov. 4 - An officer investigated possible ordinance violations at a home on North Fourth Street in Abbotsford. The officer could see numerous items piled on top of each other, including cabinets, carpet, lawnmowers, metal, wood and other debris. There was also a pile of branches near the road. A vehicle with no registration displayed was also on the property. Photographs were taken, and warning letters were sent to the occupant and property owner.

_ Nov. 4 - An officer followed up on a complaint from an Abbotsford landlord about one of his tenants emptying a storage unit onto the yard of his property. The landlord said he told the tenant to clean up the items, but he thought a letter from the city may carry more weight.

The officer could see a shed on the property that appeared to be full, and it was surrounded by debris and junk, including cabinets and tables, garbage bags, carpet pieces, wire and a bicycle. A large wood container could be seen leaning on top of some plastic bins. Photographs were taken, and a warning letter was sent.

_ Nov. 5 - An officer went to a Colby residence to do a welfare check on a man who appeared to be avoiding a Clark County social worker. The social worker said she had called him multiple times, but he wouldn’t pick up.

The officer went to the man’s residence, but he was not home. He tried back again later, and the man’s vehicle was parked in the alley near the residence, but no one would answer the door. The officer returned an hour later and saw a light on inside, but no one would come to the door when he knocked and yelled out. The officer let the next officer on duty know about the request for a welfare check.

_ Nov. 5 - An officer met with an Abbotsford woman in reference to an identify theft complaint. The woman said she had recently lost her job, and when she contacted the unemployment office, she was told that her account had been flagged. She said someone hacked into her account and made an unauthorized bank deposit in her name. The complainant said the case was being investigated, and she needed to file a police report.

_ Nov. 6 - Officers were dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment in reference to a disturbance in progress. Dispatch reported that a man had been beaten up by two other men who fled the scene.

The officer met with the victim, who was bleeding profusely from his face, which had multiple lacerations. The victim also appeared to be intoxicated. An ambulance was dispatched to the scene, and the victim was treated for his wounds while the officer spoke to the victim’s brother. The brother said they were drinking together with some friends at their apartment when two men who came over attacked the victim. The brother identified the two suspects, and the officer put on an attempt-tolocate on dispatch.

Officers saw that a window had been broken out at the apartment, and they located a blood trail, several beer bottles and broken glass and plastic inside the apartment. They also interviewed two of the victims who had been involved in the incident. One of them said he was punched in the face multiple times when he tried to pull one of the suspects off of the victim. He also said the suspect kicked him in the side and hit him with a belt multiple times while he was on the ground.

Officers also viewed security footage from the parking lot camera, which showed one of the suspects emerging from the apartment with his shirt off and a leather belt in his hand. The suspect appears to have been locked out of the apartment, and he responds by hitting and kicking the door several times. He then punches the window, causing it to shatter.

One of the victims then comes out of the apartment and argues with the suspect, who chases him through the parking lot, trying to hit him with a belt. Some more pushing and shoving occurs before the two suspects get into a vehicle and drive off.

Officers searched the area for the suspects, but were unable to find them, and the Medford police also checked their residence in Medford. The following day, an officer met with the victim, his brother and the two friends at the police station. The victim said he was pretty drunk by the time the suspects arrived at his apartment, and he could not remember why they got mad at him. He said it was a blur after he started getting punched and kicked. He also said he was struck in the face with a TV remote and belt buckle. His friend also answered questions about being hit several times by one of the suspects.

The victim was told that he would be receiving a citation for being intoxicated and causing a disturbance.

The officer was able to arrange an in-person interview with the suspect who attacked the victim. The suspect claimed he and his friend were the ones who were attacked, and they only defended themselves. The officer noted that he seemed extremely nervous during the interview, avoided making eye contact and showed other signs of lying. Based on the security footage and witness statements, the officer arrested the suspect for substantial battery, disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. The second suspect was also arrested on similar charges after doing an interview with another officer.

_ Nov. 7 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he noticed a vehicle stopped in a lane of traffic on STH 13 just south of Linden Street. As the officer approached the vehicle, he could see that substantial damage had been done to the front end, and the driver’s side tire was flat.

The officer met with the driver and asked him what he had hit. The driver kept telling the offi cer to “hold on,” and while he was speaking, the officer could smell alcohol on his breath. The driver said his car wouldn’t start, and the officer informed him that he had hit something. When asked if he had been drinking, the driver would not answer.

The driver was asked to exit the vehicle for field sobriety tests. The driver showed several signs of intoxication during the tests. The officer also attempted to get a preliminary breath sample, but the driver would not blow into the tube properly.

The driver was arrested and taken to the police station, where he continued to blow improperly into the breathalyzer. He was eventually listed as refusing to take the test and cited for drunk driving. The officer later determined that the driver had struck a dumpster near a bar he left in Abbotsford. The driver was cited for hit and run with property damage and driving without a valid license.

_ Nov. 8 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a domestic disturbance. The officer met with a man who was visibly upset and shaking. He said that his girlfriend broke a beer bottle in the kitchen and then held the broken bottle under his chin. He said his chin got cut when she poked him with the glass.

The complainant said his girlfriend has a history of domestic abuse and has been arrested in the past for attacking previous boyfriends with knives.

The officer had responded to a 911 call at the house earlier in the night, but when he arrived, the girlfriend was the only one there. She said the complainant had left in his car and she never mentioned an altercation.

Officers located the girlfriend, who said she was upset with the complainant for drinking and was trying to throw out his beer. She claimed he pushed her and raised his empty beer bottle like he was going to hit her with it. She said she wrestled with him for the bottle, causing it to fall and break on the kitchen floor. She said she picked up the broken bottle and the complainant grabbed another beer bottle. She said his chin accidently got cut while she was trying to grab the second bottle from his hand. She also claimed that the complainant pushed her into the bedroom and threw a floor fan at her. The officer said he noticed that the fan in question was still up and running, with no damage.

The girlfriend was arrested for domestic abuse.