_ Oct. 16 - A Colby man came into the police station to register a vehicle, and an officer recognized him as someone on a warrant list issued by Clark County. The officer checked the man’s name in the department’s in-house records and confirmed that he had active probation warrant.
The officer approached him, told him about the warrant and placed him in handcuffs. He was then transported to the Clark County Jail.
_ Oct. 17 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he ran the license plate of a vehicle on East Spruce Street. The vehicle’s registered owner had an active arrest warrant, so the officer stopped and met with the driver once she pulled into a parking lot. She confirmed that she had an unpaid citation.
The woman was able to arranged for someone to bring her the $294.50 needed to clear the bond. She was arrested and taken to the police station, where the money was paid to clear the bond. She was then released.
_ Oct. 18 - The owner of an Abbotsford business called to report illegal dumping on his property. He said that an employee of his had found a pile of human feces in the company’s parking lot. He said this is the third time this has happened, and the perpetrator always covers the feces in toilet paper and lights it on fire.
The complainant requested extra patrol in the area and said he would also put up a trail camera to try and catch the person.
_ Oct. 19 - An officer was dispatched to a local restaurant after an employee reported seeing a group of people drinking beer inside their vehicle when they pulled up to the drive-through window. The officer arrived and recognized the vehicle as one he had previously pulled over that night for parking in a no parking zone.
The officer approached the driver’s side window and made contact with the driver, who had previously been cited for driving with a suspended license. The officer could see two open beer cans in the center console. As he was identifying all three of the passengers, he saw two more open cans of beer in the center console of the back seat. All of the cans were dumped out at the scene.
The officer asked the driver to step out of the vehicle for field sobriety tests. The driver denied drinking anything that night, even though there was one beer can for each occupant of the vehicle. The driver claimed that both of the open cans in the front console belonged to the front-seat passenger, but the officer didn’t believe him because he could smell alcohol on his breath.
The officer did not believe the driver was over the legal limit, but since he was only 20 years old, a preliminary breath test was taken. It showed a bloodalcohol content of .02, and the driver then admitted that one of the open beers was his. He said he thought it was OK to drink alcohol in a vehicle.
The driver was cited for driving while suspended, having open intoxicants as the driver and underage alcohol consumption. One of his passenger was also cited for underage drinking and all three were cited for having open intoxicants in a vehicle.
_ Oct. 20 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment in reference to a possible burglary in progress. Dispatch advised that the caller was reporting banging noises in the apartment above hers, even though it is supposed to be vacant.
The apartment in question was pointed out to the officer once he arrived. He did not see any lights or movement inside, so he went to the door, which was unlocked. He opened the door and announced his presence before searching the apartment. It was empty aside from two beds in the bedrooms.
The officer then met with the woman who had reported hearing the banging noises. She did not see anyone enter or leave the apartment above hers, but she did hear banging on the ceiling. She said she had previously heard banging above her apartment the night before, and she went outside to check the window. A light was on inside the apartment above hers, so she went up and checked on it, but no one was there.
The woman also played a recording of the banging noises for the officers on her phone. The officer could hear what sounded like someone jumping up and down on a bed. He advised the woman to call the police back if she heard the noises again or saw someone enter or leave the apartment.
The officer also spoke to the apartment manager and her son about the incident. The son said he would check surveillance footage from the hall to see who has gone in or out. The manager said she was in the process of changing the door code, and said the former renter or someone else who still knew the old code could have gotten in.