Anders recognized for 20 years with school board

For 20 years, Jeff Anders has devoted himself to helping ensure the Lake Holcombe School District is the best it can be, by being a member of the Board of Education. This year marked Anders’ 20 years of service to the board, made memorable at the Wisconsin Association of School Boards annual state convention Jan. 23.
“To be honest with you, I didn’t think it was that big a deal, until I actually got up there on stage,” said Anders. “And you look out at all those people and it kind of hit me as I was walking over.”
(To the left) Lake Holcombe School Board member Jeff Anders (right) was presented with a 20-year service award Jan. 23, at the Wisconsin School Board Association state convention (WASB). Anders received the award from John Ashley (left), executive director of WASB, and Brett Hyde, WASB president.
Anders first was on the Lake Holcombe School Board in August 1996, then didn’t run in the April 2015 election because of some health issues. Anders then got back on the board in March 2017, after a board member resigned and asked Anders to take over the position.
To those who have congratulated him on his 20-year accomplishment, Anders jokingly replies that it just goes to show there are a lot of crazy people out there who keep re-electing him into office.
As with any job, throughout the 20 years on the board, there are things Anders doesn’t like, such as expulsion hearings, but for the most part, Anders says he’s enjoyed it. He says he is very happy with the present board and very pleased with all the boards he’s served with.
Anders expressed his gratitude toward everyone he’s served with and for the voters choosing him as a representative.
“We all work toward a common goal,” said Anders of the board members. “No one has an individual agenda, so to speak, that they’re coming in with.”
Over the years, Anders has seen a lot of changes, including five different district administrators and changes within the school building itself.
“But policy is the biggest thing,” he said. “More and more state and federal mandates, that basically take the power away from the local school board to actually govern their own district.”
With grandchildren in the district, Anders is conscious of what the school needs to be a good, safe place for learning.
“When I make a decision, my first thought is, what’s going to be best for our students?” said Anders. “My second thought is, what’s best for the taxpayers? And that’s how it should be. The students come first, but I also have an obligation to the taxpayers to make sure their money is not being wasted.”
As for shooting for a 30-year school board service award, Anders says he’ll see what the future holds.
“I like to think I made a difference in a few students’ lives, anyway,” said Anders. “That’s why I’m here.”