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Holcombe powerlifters taking competitions by storm

Holcombe powerlifters taking competitions by storm Holcombe powerlifters taking competitions by storm

When one thinks of Holcombe, it’s probably lakes that come to mind and the endless outdoor recreational activities. But that’s not all that Holcombe has to offer.

Powerlifting is fast becoming more popular, after the sport started a year ago in January, at Body Magic Fitness Center in Holcombe, located within Magic Salons.

“In January, we put up a 3x5-foot white board on the gym wall and told people we would keep track of the weights they could lift for squat, bench press and deadlift,” said Greg Mitchell, fitness center member. “The board not only got people coming to the gym more to better the weights they could lift, but it also got people interested in trying it.”

Greg says currently, the gym has 11 or 12 people who could enter a powerlifting competition, and most likely place first in their age and weight category.

“Joy (wife) and I are at the gym three times a week, lifting weights to train for competitions,” said Greg. “Our twins, Micah and Micoh, got involved, because they are always at the gym with us and after trying it, they really liked it too. The nice thing about powerlifting, is you are always competing against people your age and your weight. It makes for a very level playing field for everybody involved.”

Greg admits, spending time at a gym always takes discipline, but says powerlifting is much easier, because you are meeting others at the gym to work out together.

“It makes it much more enjoyable,” he said.

For example, the gym has a High School Weightlifting Club, where every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, students take over the center’s gym from 4-5:30 p.m.

“They play loud music and have fun working out together,” said Greg. “One of the guys who lifts in the 148-pound weight class and has only been part of the club for two months, is already deadlifting 325 pounds. It is crazy how strong he is.”

So far, Holcombe’s powerlifting team has only particpated in two competitions this winter, but have already brought home 13, first place lifts.

“One of our ladies who lifts in the 123-pound weight class, won the tournament’s best female deadlifter award,” said Greg. “There were approximately 60 female deadlifters and she beat all of them with a 300-pound deadlift.

The second highest deadlift of 295 in that competition, was also a Holcombe lifter.

“Each competition is the individual’s opportunity to see how much stronger they have gotten,” said Greg. “The goal is always to see a new personal best and so far, all of us have experienced exactly that when we have competed.”

Greg said weightlifting is a very positive thing to do during the cold, dreary days of winter and that it can lead to a healthier you.

“The question really is, ‘Is weightlifting for me?’” said Greg. “Nobody can answer that for you.”

The Holcombe crew has a 68-year-old lady who has taken four, first place finishes and is a celebrity at the competitions, but the age range also includes eight year olds who love the competitions and can’t wait for the next one.

“Weightlifting is one of those things you have to try, to see if you like it or not,” said Greg. “If you find that you like it, then you get to experience the health benefits of a stronger body.”