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Patriotic gesture
The Edgar FFA last week placed 50 American flags in front of the high school in order to celebrate Memorial Day on Monday.
Each flag represents a state in the union.
Virtual Book Club
Edgar Branch Public Library patrons can participate in a virtual Book Club on Monday, June 8, 5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. to discuss Howards End by E.M. Forster. The discussion will be held online at GoToMeeting.
Public masses
St. John’s Catholic Church, Edgar, and Holy Family Cathjolic Church, Poniatowski, have tentatively scheduled public Masses starting Saturday, May 30, and Sunday, May 31.
Saturday worship is planned for 4 p.m. at St. John’s Church and 7 p.m. at Holy Family Church. Sunday services will be at 9 a.m. at St. John’s Church and 10:30 a.m. at Holy Family Church.
The churches ask that parishioners call to reserve a spot for a service.
A message from the La Crosse Diocese provides a lengthy directive concerning how church services should be held during the current COVID- 19 pandemic. The rules include maintaining six feet social distancing by using only 25 percent of seating in the churches, excluding people with flu-like services from services, making hand sanitizer available and emptying holy water fonts. The directive says there should be no choirs and that ushers must wear gloves and a face mask. Printed worship goods should be minimized, says the dio- cese, and priests over 70 years old should not offer Mass. The directive says service goers should wash clothes after attending church.
ELCA communion
St. John’s ELCA, town of Wien, and St. Stephens ELCA, Edgar, have announced a COVID- 19 driveway and church basement communion opportunity on Sunday, June 7. The communion will take place at St. John’s at 8:30 a.m. (parking lot) and 9 a.m. (basement) and at St. Stephens at 10 a.m. (sanctuary) and 10:30 a.m. (basement).
The communion will be celebrated in limited groups with people wearing masks and appropriately six foot apart. People will remove their mask when receiving communion.
County libraries
Due to the threat of COVID- 19 (commonly known as coronavirus), and in compliance with the state’s effort to respond to and contain the spread of the disease, all nine Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) locations have been closed. This includes locations in Wausau, Athens, Edgar, Hatley, Marathon City, Mosinee, Rothschild, Spencer and Stratford.
Due to the closure, all library programs and events that were scheduled to have been canceled.
Some library services will continue to be offered throughout the closure. Patrons may still contact the MCPL Wausau reference desk for questions and assistance via phone (715-261-7230), email ( or online chat between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Wi-Fi at each of the eight branch libraries will remain on 24/7, providing patrons outside of the library (within range) with access to high-speed Internet. lmc/ home.