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Send Edgar news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Curbside service

Since the Marathon County Public Library closed on March 17 due to concerns over COVID-19, area patrons have not been able to check out new materials. But that changed this week when all nine locations began offering curbside service to the public. Curbside service will last for the duration of the library’s closure, which is expected to last through May 25.

To participate in this service, patrons should call their preferred MCPL location. Holds will only be taken by phone at this time. No online requests can currently be placed via the V-Cat catalog. However, it is highly recommended that patrons check the V-Cat catalog to check item availability prior to calling.

Patrons may only request a maximum of five items per card, per day, per pickup. Patrons may only request items that are available at the library location that they are calling, as no transits between libraries are occurring at this time. Due to anticipated high demand and limited staffing, it may take up to a few days for items to be ready for pickup.

Once a patron’s item(s) are ready for pickup, they will receive either a phone call or an email notification. To schedule a day and time to pick up their items, patrons should call the library where their items are being held. Pickup hours will vary by library location, and the following libraries will be open at the following times for curbside service.

Edgar’s pick-up times are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Wednesday, 2 to 6 p.m.

Upon arrival, patrons should call the library to let them know that they have arrived. Staff will place your bag of materials on a table or chair outside the library (in Marathon City, patrons will use the drive-thru). Once staff is safely back inside the building, the patron may exit their vehicle and retrieve their items. If a patron has mobility issues and requires assistance, the patron will be asked to pop their trunk and library staff will place the items in there. Staff will not accept return items, fine payment, or Friends of the Library donations.

Patrons are asked to return all items through the library’s outside book drops. Items cannot be returned at the curbside pickup spot. Once items are returned, they are quarantined for at least three days to help ensure staff and public safety.

All library materials that were checked out prior to the library’s closure in March will now be due on June 1, and no overdue fines will accumulate during the time that the library is closed.

Support dairy industry

The Edgar FFA Alumni and supporters handed out 100 gallons of milk at Edgar school district lunch program in April with the support of the Edgar IGA.

In May, the FFA and Alumni plan to distribute cheese to the community.

These efforts are meant to support the dairy industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teacher Week

Staff at Edgar Public Schools is asking the Edgar community to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8) by flying community ribbons or turning green porch lights on. Simply wrap a ribbon around a tree or mailbox or keep green porch lights on.

Totally rad

The Marathon County Public Library will hold a Facebook virtual Story Time on Wednesday, May 20, 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. where staff will read stories based on popular movies from the 1980’s.

Green lights

Edgar Public School will provide green lights for donations as part of an effort during the COVID-19 pandemic to show support for Edgar students and community. Donations will be used to support local small businesses during the pandemic.

The lights will be available to the public during the 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. lunch pick up on the west side of the school on Thursday.

Wellness Center

The Edgar Public School Wellness Center will be closed until further notice because of the novel coronavirus outbreak.