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Send Edgar news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Rescheduled
The Edgar FFA Alumni 2020 dairy breakfast has been rescheduled for June 13, 2021, on the Ji-mmy Dairy Farm. For the safety of the community and FFA Alumni members, there will not be a dairy breakfast this summer.
The Edgar Branch Library has cancelled upcoming events due to the coronavirus.
The events include a Play and Learn session scheduled for Thursday, April 9; a Family Adventure Night set for Monday, April 13, 6-7 p.m.; and the Edgar Book Club that planned to discuss “Educated” by Tara Westover on Thursday, April 16.
Wellness Center
The Edgar Public School Wellness Center will be closed until further notice because of the novel coronavirus outbreak.
No tornado drill
After consultation with the National Weather Service, the Wisconsin Emergency Government office has determined that carrying out the statewide tornado drill on Thursday, April 16, with a live code test (triggering alerts on weather radios, TV, radios and other devices) is no longer possible. As a result, the drills are going to need to be cancelled in their current form.
In its place, the Wisconsin Emergency Government will coordinate with the National Weather Service, emergency management partners, and broadcasters to do a “virtual” tornado drill on social media during the 1:45 p.m. time on April 16. The messaging will be simple – providing a link to information about developing a tornado and severe weather plan with your family. A sample message will be provided closer to the start of the campaign.
With the absence of the test alert going out on alerting devices, local siren operators are urged to reconsider any decision to test their sirens on April 16.
The WEM public information section will still be producing a packet for Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week, April 13-17, that will be distributed to counties, the media, and the public.