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Village of Spencer Regular ….

Village of Spencer

Regular Board of Trustees Meeting - Sept. 9, 2019

Spencer Municipal Complex President Frome called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll call: Trustees Hoes, Jicinsky, Schafer, Wienke were present. Trustee Carolfi appeared by video conference. Trustee Toufar joined the meeting at 6:32 p.m.

Approval of minutes: (Schafer)(Hoes) was carried to dispense with the reading of the previous Regular Board of Trustees meeting minutes and approve them as printed.

Public comments: Ron Draeger spoke about the possibility of a park.

Announcements: There were no announcements.

Public works report: Paul Hensch reported on a water main break on E. Main Street, curb stop repairs, and the reinstallation of a permanent power line to the Hemlock Street lift station. He also mentioned that sludge was removed from the new tank and that the stairway can now be repaired to finish the Wastewater Treatment Plant project.

Police Chief’s report: Chief Bauer reported that, in August, officers handled 179 calls for service and conducted 125 traffic stops. Officers issued 70 traffic citations, four municipal citations, and 55 warnings.

President’s report: President Frome had nothing to report.

Old business: There was no old business.

New business: (Schafer) (Jicinsky) was carried to approve amending a lease with US Cellular. (Carolfi)(Hoes) was carried to approve renewing a lease with the Spencer Historical Society. (Schafer)(Toufar) was carried by unanimous roll call vote to approve Change Order #1 for the Main Street Storm Sewer Project to include the Park and Cedar Street Storm Sewer. (Wienke)(Schafer) was carried by unanimous roll call vote to approve Pay Request #11 from Staab Construction for the WWTP Project. (Schafer)(Wienke) was carried to table the setting of the 2020 sewer rate. Creating a Complete Count Committee for the 2020 Census died due to a lack of a motion. (Wienke)(Toufar) was carried to approve a proclamation for National Rail Safety Week. (Jicinsky)(Schafer) was carried to approve a Temporary Class “B” Retail License for the Spencer Fire and Ambulance Fall Music Fest on Sept. 27, 2019 at the Lions Park. (Hoes)(Schafer) was carried to approve an application for a temporary operators license for Camron Schuh, Megan Zimmerman, and Holly Meyer for the Spencer Fire and Ambulance Fall Music Fest on Sept. 27, 2019. (Toufar)(Hoes) was carried by unanimous roll call vote to approve current vouchers.

Clerk’s report: Paul reported that building permits were issued to McNeely Insurance located at 202 W. Clark St for an office remodel with an approximate value of $25,000 and Inez Fosberg located at 402 W. Roberts St. to install a walk-in shower with an approximate value of $3,000.

Committee reports: Finance and Personnel Committee: Chairman Hoes had nothing to report.

Utilities and Equipment Committee: Chairman Schafer reported on a meeting that discussed the old water tower and how the committee has requested a new inspection to determine whether to keep it or tear it down. He also indicated that the committee will be recommending constructing a section of option B sanitary sewer plans, going from Park St. under Highway 13.

Parks and Buildings Committee: Chairman Toufar had nothing to report.

Health and Emergency Government Committee: Trustee Jicinsky had nothing to report.

Economic Development and Main Street Committee: Trustee Carolfi reported on the new subdivision, removing the delineation of artificial wetlands in the subdivision, and awarding a facade grant to McNeely Insurance.

Streets and Sidewalks Committee: Trustee Wienke set a joint meeting with the Utilities and Equipment Committee for Sept.19, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss future projects.

(Schafer) (Toufar) was carried to adjourn at 7:34 p.m.

Pauline Frome, village president Paul Hensch, clerk WNAXLP 79937