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Give and give thanks

By Randy Romanski, secretary, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, and as we reflect on what we are each thankful for, we also have the opportunity to give. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a happy holiday season, for many. However, to some, the holidays serve as a reminder that they do not have enough to feed their families.

As you consider what you are thankful for this November, I encourage you to consider giving, as you are able. Farmers give every day, to produce nutritious products for consumers across the state and world. Processors and packaging staff give to ensure there are safe and nutritious products available.

Retailers give as they work to stock their shelves with everything you need to feed your families. As consumers, we trade our hard-earned dollars for these products at the store, but some may want to go one step farther to give, as well.

I recently toured the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry and participated in a turkey distribution event. It was heartening to see staff, volunteers and community members working together, to ensure there was dignity and care in how the patrons, who are experiencing food insecurity, received needed sustenance.

Many of us are lucky enough to put food on the table for our families this holiday season. On Thanksgiving, and as you give thanks this season, consider giving to those who are in need. Whether you donate food to your local food pantry, volunteer for an organization close to your heart or select a charitable organization to support a specific cause, your donation gives others the opportunity to give thanks.