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Home repair loans available now

Loans are now available in Chippewa County, to help homeowners make repairs to their homes. The Home Repair Program provides loans, administered by the Chippewa County Housing Authority, to low to moderate-income homeowners for necessary repairs.

The loan does not have to be repaid until the owner no longer occupies the home (when the house is sold or the owner moves out of the home). There is no interest on the loan and no monthly payments are required. Down payment and closing costs assistance for homebuyers is also available.

Loans are available for necessary home repairs such as replacing siding, windows, doors, furnaces, water/sewer laterals from the curb to the house, replacing septic systems and wells, upgrading plumbing, heating and electrical systems, installing insulation, repairing foundations and making a home accessible for a member who has a disability.

Funds cannot be used for general remodeling, such as updating decor. Loans must be approved prior to the work starting and cannot be used to reimburse a family for work already completed. Owners can choose their own contractor or complete their own repairs, but will not be paid for their labor. Funds cannot be used for already completed work.

Repairs to mobile homes are eligible, if the owner also owns the land where the mobile home is located. Mobile homes in mobile parks are not eligible.

Delinquent property taxes, liens and judgments must be paid prior to loan approval.

Certain income limits do apply and vary by county. In Chippewa County, the following annual gross income limits are set per household size: (1) $44,800; (2) $51,200; (3) $57,600; (4) $64,000; (5) $69,150; (6) $74,250; (7) $79,400; (8) $84,500.

To apply for the program or obtain more information, contact Laura Rushmann at 715-726-7801, or housingauthority@