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I’m home! It was quite ….

I’m home! It was quite …. I’m home! It was quite ….

I’m home! It was quite a trip and while I’m home I still have lots of recuperating left to do. Pretty shaky on my feet and lots of shortness of breath to overcome.

Sue and I patted ourselves on the back for picking the right day. I came home on Thursday the 27th, which just happened to be 50 degrees warmer than the day before.

I thought that pretty well ended things at the Rehab Center. I was all packed and just waiting for lunch and Sue to come. All of a sudden the lady that runs the beauty shop popped in the room and said “Come on. We got a new promotion coming up and we need a picture of someone getting a haircut”. So off I went and the fact that I really needed one was on the plus side.


I guess I spent too much time yesterday watching football and napping. So I’m a little late with my column. Just a couple more odds and ends from the time at Rehab.

One night I couldn’t sleep so I was sitting in my wheelchair watching the traffic go by. Then I noticed something red on the horizon but realized it was too far away from the east bound traffic lane. Then it got bigger and I could see it was the moon coming up. Guess I don’t generally get up at that time of the day.


As you probably remember, tomorrow Feb. 3, is often called Four Chaplain Day to commemorate the four chaplains who gave up their life preservers on board the SS Dorchester that was torpedoed in the North Atlantic. There was a story in the newest Legion magazine telling another story about that day.

A man from the Caribbean who immigrated to the United States and moved to New York. When the war broke out he wanted to join the Armed Forces. Because of his background he could only join the Coast Guard and be a cook and a non-commissioned officer. On the day the Dorchester sank he had jumped into the cold water and helped rescue a number of people.

He died a month later of pneumonia.


In my quest of finding things to do I started looking up towns to read about. When I looked up Loyal, Oklahoma, I discovered it had first been named Kiel because of all the Germans who had settled in the area.

When the war broke out they decided to change the town’s name.