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One more concert
The Athens Old Timers band will perform one last concert this summer at 7:30 p.m. this Friday, Sept. 18, in Memorial Park.
No food or popcorn stands will be available. Attendees are asked to bring their own lawn chairs, refreshments and an optional mask to wear.
College honor
Hannah Ellenbecker, daughter of Dean and Angie Ellebecker of Athens, was awarded to the Dean’s list in the UW-La Crosse College of Science and Health during the 2020 spring semester.
Free school lunches
Trinity Lutheran School in Athens is participating in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Seamless Summer Option for serving school lunches. This means all Trinity Lutheran students are eligible to receive school lunches.
The USDA recently extended this program and Trinity Lutheran School is still working on the details. The school will also offer free meals to any siblings of students who are 18 years and younger as carryouts available for pickup at 12:15 p.m. on scheduled school days.
This program is scheduled to last until Dec. 31 of this year, or until the funding runs out.
Parents of children who attend Trinity Lutheran School are being asked to not submit any meal money at this time; meal money already submitted will remain on the student’s tickets to be used at the beginning of January 2021. Parents will need to pay for their children’s milk for breaks, milks with cold lunches and extra milks at this time.
Sewers needed
The Athens band program is seeking people to sew closeweave cotton sheet coverings for students to place on the bell of their instruments to prevent aerosol particles from escaping, to allow full band rehearsals to occur in school this fall.
People interesting in sewing the band instrument coverings should contact Samuel Puffer, Athens middle and high school band director, at
Fiber arts display
Adults can make an appointment to visit the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch, located at 221 Caroline St., from 1-4 p.m., on Tuesday, Sept. 22, to see a variety of women clothing items and accessories made by the fiber arts group that woul;d meet at the library pre-pandemic.
The exhibitiion is free to attend, but an appointment is required. Parents wanting more information or to make an appointment should call the Athens library at 715-257-7292.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on Sept. 10 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall. Two games of Sheepshead were played. Andy Hoeft won the first game and Steve Klockziem took second place. Jan Lake won the second game and Ceil Frank placed second. Wil Strack received low score.
The Senior Citizens card group will play cards again at 1 p.m. this Thursday, Sept. 17, at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.