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Send Athens news to: phone: 715-223-2342 fax: 715-223-3505 P.O. Box 677 103 West Spruce Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 No band concerts

The Athens Old Timers Band concerts are not occurring for the foreseeable future unless the COVID-19 pandemic improves.

Farmers Market

The Athens Farmers Market is held every Tuesday from 4-7 p.m., at Memorial Park.

Trails meeting set

The Athens Area Trails Association (AATA) will hold its quarterly meeting at 6 p.m. this Thursday, May 28, in the Erbach Park shelter.

There will be a work night after the short meeting. Steve Brewster, president of AATA, said volunteers should bring bug spray and a can do attitude. The Iron Bull course will already be set up, but Brewster would like trails association volunteers to make sure the Erbach Park trails are clean and raked for this upcoming event.


IRONBULL and the Athens Area Trails Association are hosting a Choose Your Own Adventure 5K between Friday, May 29, and Sunday, June 14, at Erbach Park in Athens.

The free marked trail run or walk will allow people in the central Wisconsin area to get outside on a hidden gem trail system at Erbach Park. Wildflowers blanket the forest along the trails at Erbach Park in Athens.

Visitors to Erbach Park can either participate as a family, bring their pet or enjoy the solitude.

IRONBULL wants to offer the central Wisconsin community with this free actitvity so people can stay active and fit during this unprecdented time during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are two marked trail routes at Erbach Park that are approximately 5K (3.1 miles) each. There’s also a twist involved, because participants can choose to mix and match the two courses to find the fastest route.

Since IRONBULL knows some people might be venturing to Erbach Park for the first time, it enourages people of all ablility levels to participate. People worried about getting lost inside Erbach Park should download the course map and GPX files on www.ironbull. com.

People planning to participate in the Choose Your Own Adventure 5K at Erbach Park are asked to register themselves on the IRONBULL web site so they can be eligible to win prizes, and also so IRONBULL can track the community impact.

IRONBULL will award lots of prizes, and participants don’t need to be the fastest on the course to win them.

People can run or walk the courses as many times as they wish, and they’ll receive an entry into the raffle each time they participate. IRONBULL asks participants to make sure they bring along their cell phone so they can take a selfie on the courses.

The entire course is on trails. Joggers may use the green course but it’s not recommended they use the pink course because of some areas of it prone to being softer.

IRONBULL asks that all particpants abide by all current regulations including social distancing and travel restrictions.


A baby boy, Hawkens Mason Strebig, was born on May 22, 2020, at Medford Aspirus Hospital to Ryan and Megan Strebig of Medford.

Hawkens weighed eight pounds, 10 ounces and he was 21 inches long. He joins a sibling, Huxley Ryan, who is two years old.

Grandparents are Brian and Pattie Ellenbecker of Athens and Steve and Kathy Strebig of Medford.

Great-grandparents are Bernie and Sharon Weiler and Rodney and Eileen Ellenbecker, all of Athens; Carol Strebig, Medford; Joanne and Earl Emmerich of Tripoli and Jack and Rosie Strebig of Medford.

Great-great-grandmother is Hattie Ellenbecker of Athens.

A baby girl, Marzena Enid Moser, was born on May 22, 2020 at Aspirus Birthing Center in Medford to Alex and MaKayla-Moser of Medford.

Grandparents are Richard Moser of Athens; and Bradley Meyer, Annette Fuchs and Beth Lugo, all of Medford.

Great-grandparents are Jim Meyer of Medford, Enid Fuchs of Abbotsford, Wanda Moser of Dorchester and Anthony Blair of Brandonburg, Ky.

Worship schedule

Trinity Lutheran Church in Athens will return to holding services inside the church at 7 p.m. this Thursday, May 28, and at 9 a.m. this Sunday, May 31. Holy Communion will be held at both church services.

Library item pickup

The Marathon County Public Library Athens Branch began offering curbside pickup of materials on Monday.

Library patrons must call the Athens library at 715-257-7292 during its hours of operation from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and also from 2-6 p.m. on Wednesdays to request items and schedule a pickup time, and then arrive at the agreed upon pickup time.

People can drop off library items 24 hours per day in a box located outside the library entrance.

Anyone wanting more information on curbside dropoff should visit or call 715-261-7200.

Bible School

Trinity Lutheran Church and School is looking for people to volunteer their homes for Vacation Bible School in July.

This year’s Vacation Bible School theme is Barnyard Roundup: Jesus gathers us together.

The church and school is seeking host families that will invited the neighborhood children (the ones their kids play with) to their home for daily Vacation Bible School sessions.

Home groups will watch each day’s music and teaching videos posted on Trinity’s website.

Host families will pick the week and time Vacation Bible School will take place. Each registered home group will receive a craft box that contains supplies for each day’s Vacation Bible School crafts. There will be an outdoor games booklet for use by each home group.

There will be a special Trinity Vacation Bible School Facebook page for parents to share pictures of each day’s home gatherings.

Home groups will need to register with the church offi ce by Friday, June 19, to allow time for volunteers to get the craft kits made and delivered to each home by Monday, July 6.

This year’s Vacation Bible School program is open to all children in preschool through sixth grade. Monetary donations are welcome to cover the cost of crafts and volunteers are needed to assemble the craft kits.

Anyone with questions on this year’s Trinity Lutheran Church and School Vacation Bible School can e-mail Kaye Schwalenberg at kayeandmark@