Lake Holcombe returns to in-person learning format
Lake Holcombe School is continuing to monitor COVID- 19 case counts in Chippewa County, and with consultation from the Chippewa County Health Department, the district has decided to return to in-person learning, as of Dec. 14. Previously, the school was to remain virtual until the beginning of January.
Although the number of people who test and have a positive result remains high, the trend of positive cases per day, has decreased from the levels prior to Thanksgiving break.
“In addition, the overall health of our staff has improved,” said superintendent Kurt Lindau.
Following current recommendations from the health department, students and staff will be excluded from in-person instruction if they have taken any medications to reduce fever in the last 24 hours; they have tested positive for COVID- 19 or been diagnosed by a healthcare provider, with or without having symptoms, and have not yet finished an isolation period, per public health recommendations.
They will also be excluded if, within the last two weeks, they have come in close contact with anyone who has COVID- 19, or within the last 24 hours, they have experienced fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of smell or taste, or at least two symptoms, such as sore throat, fatigue, body and muscle aches, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, headache or diarrhea.
Parents are reminded that while the listed symptoms are indicators of the virus, there are other communicable diseases that children must be sent home for monitoring of their condition.
“In the event that your child becomes ill at school or is exhibiting symptoms, they will be removed from class and will need to be picked up immediately,” said Lindau. “We appreciate your cooperation and prompt response, in the event that this happens.”