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Input needed for proposed revisions on DNR permits

The Wisconsin DNR is seeking public input, regarding proposed revisions to its Broad Incidental Take Permit, and authorization for no and low impact activities.

A number of activities that have no, or low impact, on endangered or threatened plants, and animals, are covered by this broad incidental take permit and authorization. Incidental take refers to the unintentional loss of individual endangered or threatened animals, or plants, that does not put the overall population of the species at risk.

The permit and authorization was initially approved in 2013, and was revised on an annual basis through 2018. The 2020 suggested revisions include the following:

• Updating the Bird Avoidance Measures document to incorporate changes needed, based on the federal de-listing of the Kirtland’s Warbler.

• Updating the Herps Avoidance Measures document to define a suitable wood.

• Updating the Herps Avoidance Measures document to define a suitable wood turtle stream.

• Increasing consistency with follow-up actions throughout Table 2 of the permit.

The department has concluded the take allowed under this permit, and authorization is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence and recovery of the state population of the species, nor the whole plant-animal community of which they belong. These changes will also improve public health, safety and welfare.

Public comments will be accepted through Sunday, Dec. 13. Comments can be sent to Melissa Tumbleson, at 608-267-0862, or