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10 Years Ago – 2010
Ambiance Floral, owned by Holli Sande in Cadott, adds freeze drying to the list of services they offer. With the freeze dry process, bridal bouquets and other flowers from special days, can be preserved for years to come.
20 Years Ago – 2000
Flying ice causes a car driven by Robert Kramer, Cornell, to crash, after the ice smashed the car’s windshield. The ice chunk flew off a semi Kramer was traveling behind on State Hwy. 27.
30 Years Ago – 1990
To help keep the Cadott Christmas Village going full force, the Sigel Sodbusters donate money to the village. In its second year, the Christmas Village fills Riverview Park with colorfully lit business signs.
40 Years Ago – 1980
As a way to do something different for the community, a family holiday dance is hosted by the Cornell Student Council and FHA, with tickets $1.50 for adults and free for children. Each ticket sold is entered into a drawing for a dinner at Foster’s Steak House and two Christmas turkeys.
50 Years Ago – 1970
The old sawmill building on the John Lacina Lumber Company property is razed to the ground, with a 90-yard history to the mill’s credit. The mill fell into disrepair after the almost century of use and Lacina has planned the demolition for the last two years.
60 Years Ago – 1960
Cornell Surplus Outlet has everything hunters need to stay warm and dry this fall, with a complete line of gloves, thermal underwear, vests and sleeping bags. The business also offers red twill cloth trousers and insulated boots.
100 Years Ago – 1920
The Cornell Creamery expands to provide the people of Cornell with dairy products at any time. Included in the dairy items furnished for the community’s needs, is sweet, skim and buttermilk for 10 cents. Sweet cream and butter are always on hand for trade, at the prevailing marker price.