Sale of industrial park parcel comes closer to reality

Cadott Village Board
Discussion on the sale of Cadott Village property in the industrial park, continued May 4, during a regular meeting.
Patrick Beilfuss, Cedar Corp., said he had discussions with Aaron Vizer, Road Runner Repair, currently located south of Boyd.
“He’s interested in buying that last parcel in the industrial park,” said Beilfuss.
The business repairs logging equipment and is looking for a location along main roadways.
“He’s looking for a location that is on the main highways,” said Beilfuss.
Beilfuss also noted Vizer said the roadways near his current location have weight restrictions in the spring, so he can’t get new business in to work on.
See CADOTT VILLAGE BOARD/ Page 3 “The location in the industrial park would allow him yearround access,” said Beilfuss.
Beilfuss says Vizer is looking at about a 10,000 square foot building, an office space and some outdoor storage of vehicles.
“But basically, it will be people dropping them (vehicles) off, then him bringing them in, working on them, then being set back out until they can get picked up,” said Beilfuss.
Beilfuss said Vizer is not planning on long-term storage right now, but would fence it in in an aesthetically pleasing way, if needed.
“Those are all things we said would be part of a Developer’s Agreement,” said Beilfuss.
Beilfuss says Cedar Corp. has created a couple of scenarios to show Vizer, based off of the village’s land sale worksheet. The scenarios reduce the cost of the land based on the number of employees after 24 months, and the total value of the land and building when it is completed.
Vizer told Beilfuss he was comfortable with the scenario where he would have himself and a minimum of three new employees within 24 months. The estimated accessed value of the land and building will be over $500,000, once it is completed.
Beilfuss says Vizer made an offer they felt was reasonable.
“Some of the things he pointed out, is that he would have to bring in a considerable amount of fill to level out the site,” said Beilfuss.
Beilfuss also discussed easements on the property with Vizer. From there, Vizer made a counter-offer.
Vizer met with Beilfuss, Len Schreiber, Cedar Corp., and Rolly Tichy, public works, to look at utility stumps and roughly review the property lines.
“It seems like he would be a very good fit for the area up there,” said Tichy, adding Vizer says he likes to stay topnotch on cleanliness and doesn’t like the junkyard look.
Bart Chapek, board member, asked how long Vizer would have to construct the building. Beilfuss says, for the proposed price, he would be expected to have the building up by the end of 2021. If all goes well, Vizer expressed interest in starting building this year.
Randy Kuehni, board member, asked Beilfuss to elaborate on if the roadway into the industrial park could be put against TID 4. Beilfuss says upgrades to the road should be eligible.
“This will very much help TID 4,” said Beilfuss.
Since the price hasn’t been agreed upon by the village, members refrained from talking about that portion of the potential agreement for the time being.
Beilfuss says Vizer also mentioned the possibility of a sign pointing to the industrial park, with spaces for businesses to put their names and suggested the board discuss that further down the road.
The Planning and Development Committee recommended the board move forward with selling the land to Vizer. Members voted in favor of having Cedar Corp. draft a Developer’s Agreement between the Village of Cadott and Vizer.
Members also heard updates from Tichy on costs to fix the corner of Lavorata Road and Dina Court. Tichy reported the 2019 quotes he received for asphalt and two lifts, were $10,612. Concrete estimates came in at an additional $6,000.
Tichy said repairs to the corner of State Hwy. 27 and Lavorata Road came in at $6,474.
Storm water issues in the area from State Hwy. 27 to Dina Court, will require extra catch basins, installed when the entire road is resurfaced in the future.
“What is there right now is not sufficient,” said Tichy.
The board also heard the first reading of an ordinance, with updates to the language surrounding food trucks in the village.
Members also approved changes to the building permit fee schedule to make the language clearer and to update the cost to $1 per thousand, in excess of $20,000. The cap is at $300,000, with no charge after that cap.
“It’s long overdue,” said Terry Licht, board member.
As a reminder to the public, disposal at the brush site is only for the use of village residents.