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Ordinance updates in the works for Cadott

Cadott Village Board

What are the guidelines for projects? Cadott Village Board members reviewed village policies for construction, utilities and repairs, as they considered if any changes need to be made. Len Schreiber, Cedar Corp., was on hand to recommend updates to ordinances during a regular meeting Feb. 17.

Schreiber handed out the outline of changes he discussed with the Ordinance Committee, as well as a copy of the ordinances, with his recommended changes highlighted. He said he wanted the board members to look over the changes and make sure the updates are what they had in mind.

In the section on Special Assessments for Improvements, Schreiber suggested the street construction section read that other street construction items, not listed earlier in the section, be paid on a case-by-case basis, instead of by the village, as previously listed.

For new utilities, Schreiber noted the $400 assessed to the abutting property for a 3/4 inch or 1 inch, seems kind of low. He included estimates that showed a sanitary lateral would cost about $2,200 and the water main lateral would be close to $6,000. Schreiber said restoration needed when laterals are installed, also adds cost. The estimates were based on the costs from the water main to the shut-off box.

“It seems like we’re a little bit low with what the fees are that you’re charging,” said Schreiber. “You may want to adjust that. I didn’t pick a number for you.”

Board member Merlin Huhn asked if the price put into the ordinance would have to be adjusted annually. Schreiber said the numbers should probably be looked at each decade, or more frequently than they have been.

Clerk Sandy Buetow asked if the ordinance could read that the cost will be negotiated.

Les Liptak, board member, suggested setting a minimum percentage the abutting property owner pays on a projectby- project basis, so the village is not leaving the entire cost to negotiation.

Board members decided to table the action to give them more time to crunch numbers.

Other suggested changes would also leave sidewalk construction to board approval and recommendation, and update the construction standards for cul-de-sacs so they all match. Easement width would also increase to 25 feet, instead of 12 feet, if the suggestions were adopted.

“It’s hard to actually do the construction with 12-foot easements,” said Schreiber.

A number of other recommendations were also noted in the ordinances.

The Ordinance Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m., to talk about some of the changes, prior to more discussion during the next regular meeting.

During committee reports, board member Randy Kuehni said the Parks Committee met with representatives of the Cadott Youth Baseball. Kuehni says the committee agreed to give the group access to the east concession stand and

See CADOTT VILLAGE BOARD/ Page 3 agreed to letting them move in a yard barn.

“They’re going to pay the electric for them for three months,” said Kuehni.

Kuehni said there was also discussion of replacing the field lights. He said the committee decided to pass that issue along to the full board, because of liability concerns.

“My thought is, it’s our field, we’ll get the people in to replace the lights,” said board president Anson Albarado. “Don’t let somebody else volunteer their time, and go up in a bucket truck and try to replace the lights.”

Schreiber also reported he checked into the facade project for the village office and police station.

“As far as funding and sources like that go, not a lot out there for those types of projects,” said Schreiber.

Schreiber did note that the project would probably fall in the proximity of a mile from the Tax Increment District (TID), so he is looking into the possibility of capturing some funding from that.

“But I don’t have an answer on that yet,” said Schreiber.

Board member Bart Chapek also said there may be a facade loan available through the Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation.