What is that noise under my tires?
Lake Holcombe Town Board
If anyone has noticed that the recent paving job on 270th Street in Holcombe, seems like it is not as smooth as it could be, they aren’t alone in their observations. The matter was discussed at a regular Lake Holcombe Town Board meeting Nov. 14, where chairman Brian Guthman says it appeared as though there were ripples running down the road.
“Is that why we hear noise when we drive on it?” asked clerk Tracey Larson.
Guthman says it is possible, but that it could also be from the bigger sized aggregate that was used. Lake Holcombe Town roadman Ben Jordan says they went with a 19-mm aggregate, while the state and most towns go with a 12-mm, as they thought the road would hold up better with a larger size.
“That’s where we get that porous surface,” said Jordan.
Jordan, who says he was not impressed with the paving company’s pavement joins, said the project manager promised the company will come back when the weather is hot and the pavement is “soft,” with a compactor, to smooth out the roadway.
“We’ll definitely have to do some research on it (aggregate sizes) for next year, before we pave anymore,” said Guthman.
Wrapping up final numbers, after a levy hearing and discussion prior to the regular meeting, the 2019 levy for taxes payable in 2020, was approved for $345,463.
Although it is still a work in progress, supervisor Doug Olson reported the progress on the new town website. Olson said the town officials should have official email addresses, as opposed to the personal emails currently used. The email addresses would be generic, such as supervisor1, etc., for $125/year, through the company Olson is working with.
That way if a new person is elected to that position, the same email is used and the newly elected official is just given a new passcode.
With the new web domain, the town’s ordinances will be shown, what licenses and permits are required by the town, as well as hall and park rental applications and information. Olson says he’s also deciding on how long to keep minutes posted online and what goes on the coming events section.
“I’m not sure which way we’ll go with that yet,” he said.
Guthman also reported on something he learned at a recent meeting he attended, that the Chippewa County Aging and Disability Resource Center has an agreement with Rusk County Transit, to provide transportation for people in Holcombe and Cornell, if they need to go to the doctor or shopping in Ladysmith.
“They’ll pick them up and bring them back home,” said Guthman, adding there is a small co-pay for the service. “I’d like to see some people use it, otherwise, I’m afraid they’ll just discontinue it.”