Cornell Municipal Court Report…
The following people were found guilty Oct. 21, 2019, in Cornell Municipal Court, 221 Main Street, Cornell, WI, by Judge Mindy Carothers-Harycki.
Regular Citations
Lisa D. Borman, exceeding speed zones, etc. (11-15 mph), $98.80, 4 pts.
Corey William Buresh, operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.; operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Mallory Renee Campbell, operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.
Michael John Ciolkosz, speeding on city highways (1115 mph), $98.80, 4 pts.
Ryan Patrick Conry, non-registration of an auto, etc., $98.80.
Billy Raye Crouse, cracked/damaged vehicle windshield, $98.80; operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Kody James Cynor, operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.
Heather Marie Gieble, non-registration of an auto, etc., $98.80.
Jodi Lynn Kardin, speeding on city highways (11-15 mph), $98.80, 4 pts.
Steven J. Lee, no tail lamp/defective tail lamp at night, $86.20, 3 pts.
Danielle Joann Leininger, failure to stop at a stop sign, $98.80, 3 pts.
Tanya Sue Lewis, theft – adopts SS.943.20, $187 John James Nix, exceeding speed zones, etc. (11-15 mph), $98.80, 4 pts.
Zackary Adam Noel, operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Donald George Porcaro Jr., exceeding speed zones, etc. (1-10 mph), $98.80, 3 pts.
Wavern Ruth Ramsey, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Paul Joseph Rudersdor, exceeding speed zones, etc. (1115 mph), $98.80, 4 pts.
Rachel Lynne Sadler, non-registration of an auto, etc., $98.80; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124; operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.
Gerald Matthew Shoemaker Jr., operating while suspended, $124, 3 pts.; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Travis Wayne Simpson, operating after revoked/suspension of registration, $98.80; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $124.
Michael Vincent Strangio, exceeding speed zones, etc. (16-19 mph), $124, 4 pts.
Betty Ellen Tripp-Berg, operating a motor vehicle without two headlights, $86.20, 3 pts.; operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.
Andrew L. White, shoplifting - adopts SS943.50(1M) (B), $169.
1 Juvenile