Yard waste disposal site closes indefinitely

After a call from the DNR, the Lake Holcombe Town yard waste disposal site is now closed – possibly for good.
“We can’t really use that site, because the site…doesn’t really meet the specifications of a good place to dispose of lawn waste,” said town chairman Brian Guthman. “It’s more of a gravel pit.”
The town board had previously talked about limiting what went into the site, such as stumps, and large diameter limbs and logs. Now, however, that decision has been taken out of the town’s hands.
According to the DNR, the town was found in violation of the specified regulations for a disposal site, as there is a stream located on the property, which caused concerns over contamination.
“That’s the biggest problem,” said Guthman.
The town announced the closure of the site March 26, something Guthman says the town board is taking heat for, as some residents thought it was something that should have been discussed.
“Just continuing to violate,” said Guthman, “is not going to get us anywhere, except in more trouble.”
Guthman says the board tries to govern the town as best they can, and that everyone who lives there, has to abide by rules and regulations set down by the DNR.
For now, as the DNR has suspended burning permits for the foreseeable future, Guthman recommended mulching leaves and grass clippings back into yards. He also suggested looking into hiring services who chip branches.
“That’s what they (residents) need to do,” said Guthman. “You can do a lot of it yourself, by mulching and chipping the things in-place.”
Guthman says the board will work on opening disposal at a new site or partnering with a business who provides disposal service. For now, he asks residents to “stick tight.”
“It’s a work in progress,” said Guthman. “There’s not an easy solution to this problem.”