Cornell hailed as new Ice Age Trail Community

Cornell City Council
“I’m very happy and excited to let us know, that we are now considered an Ice Age Trail Community.”
That announcement from mayor Judy Talbot was met with applause during a regular Cornell City Council meeting March 5.
Cornell had applied for membership to be an Ice Age Trail Community and now that confirmation has been received, official signs will be posted. Cornell will also be listed on any Ice Age Trail promotional materials.
To educate the public on what the Ice Age Trail is and brings to the city, a ribbon cutting ceremony will take place during the Cornell Community Fair in June. Small stickers proclaiming Cornell as an Ice Age Trail Community, will be available for business owners to display.
“I’m hoping every single business in town has one of these on by June,” said Talbot. “From Highway 10 north, there are only two cities that are Ice Age Trail Cities, Cornell is one.”
Talbot says in becoming an Ice Age Trail Community, more people should be drawn to Cornell to see what all is happening in the city.
“Things are great in Cornell,” said Talbot.
During the meeting, members also approved a contract with J& M Displays to provide the annual July 3 fireworks display at Mill Yard Park, for $4,000.
“Can anyone donate specifically for a fireworks fund?” asked council member Ashley Carothers.
City administrator Dave DeJongh says for the annual display, $4,000 comes out of the city’s budget, but if someone donated funds designated for the fireworks, the city could have a longer display.
Talbot said it would be nice to have a larger display, as it would bring more people into the already crowded city the night of July 3.
Bill Kvapil also reported that now signs are up and approval was received from the county, the ATV/UTV routes within the city take effect. Kvapil also reminded ATV users that Main Street is not open for travel and that parking is located in back of businesses.
All other avenues within the city are open, except where specifically marked.