50 feet of city land goes to CESA

Cornell City Council
A waiver and release of reverter under a development agreement, was approved for property belonging to the city at a regular Cornell City Council meeting Dec. 5. The 50foot parcel was located at 400 Woodside Drive, where the CESA Head Start building was.
A number of years ago, the city sold property to CESA, allowing for an addition to the parking lot.
“Head Start is no longer operating out of that building, they’re (CESA) trying to sell the property,” said city administrator Dave DeJongh. “They definitely utilized it, which was the intent of the sale.”
Members agreed it would be better to let the land go, than to hold onto the small piece and tie up a potential sale in the city.
“Let it go with the property, if somebody’s willing to buy it and do something with it,” said council member Ashley Carothers.
The council also agreed on a memorandum of understanding for the services provided by the Chippewa County clerk’s office, in the statewide voter registration system, for $490 per year. Receiving help could come in handy, as six elections (including primaries and special elections) will be held next year.
As a quick note during reports, council member and library board representative Aimee Korger said as of Jan. 2, library hours are changing. The new hours are Monday and Tuesday, from 1-5 p.m.; Wednesday, from 1-8 p.m.; Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cards can be picked up at the library with the hours listed.
“They’re changing in hopes to make it easier for people,” said Korger.
As a reminder, nomination papers for open council seats began circulation Dec. 1. The mayor’s position and three council spots are open.
“Just a reminder, that you will need to receive at list of 50 signatures from citizens who live in the City of Cornell,” said mayor Judy Talbot.
Talbot also said that someone can only sign for one candidate for mayor, but can sign their name for up to three alderpersons. Papers can be obtained from the city office.